Select A Variable...and then
Anomaly of air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRGX3STMMA v006
Anomaly of air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending) AIRGX3STMMA v006
Anomaly of Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRGX3STMMA v006
Anomaly of Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRGX3STMMA v006
Multi-year Monthly Mean (2002-2016) of Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRGX3STMM v006
Multi-year Monthly Mean (2002-2016) of Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending) AIRGX3STMM v006
Multi-year Monthly Mean (2002-2016) of Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRGX3STMM v006
Multi-year Monthly Mean (2002-2016) of Surface Temperature (Nightime/Descending) AIRGX3STMM v006
Carbon Dioxide, Mole Fraction in Free Troposphere, IR-Only AIRS3C2M v005
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Air Temperature at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Air Temperature at Surface (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Total Column Water Vapor (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Air Temperature at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Air Temperature at Surface (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Total Column Water Vapor (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Total Column Water Vapor (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Total Column Water Vapor (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Carbon Dioxide, Mole Fraction in Free Troposphere AIRX3C2M v005
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Total Column Water Vapor (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Total Column Water Vapor (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Total Column Water Vapor (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Total Column Water Vapor (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Sea Surface Salinity (water only) AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_CAP_MONTHLY_V5 v5.0
Sea Surface Salinity, Rain Corrected (water only) AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_RAINCORRECTED_CAP_MONTHLY_V5 v5.0
Wind Speed (water only) AQUARIUS_L3_WIND_SPEED_CAP_MONTHLY_V5 v5.0
Total evapotranspiration FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Surface downward longwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Net downward longwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Surface pressure FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Specific humidity FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Soil heat flux FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Sensible heat flux FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Latent heat flux FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Surface runoff FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Subsurface runoff FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Surface radiative temperature FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Rainfall flux FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Snow water equivalent FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Surface downward shortwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Snow cover FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Snow depth FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Snowfall rate FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Soil moisture content (100- 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Net downward shortwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Surface air temperature FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Near surface wind speed FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001
Anomaly of Total evapotranspiration FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001
Anomaly of Total runoff FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001
Anomaly of Rainfall flux FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001
Anomaly of Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001
Anomaly of Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001
Anomaly of Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001
Anomaly of Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001
Anomaly of Surface air temperature FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Total evapotranspiration FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Total runoff FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Rainfall flux FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Surface air temperature FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001
Total evapotranspiration FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Surface downward longwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Net downward longwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Surface pressure FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Specific humidity FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Soil heat flux FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Sensible heat flux FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Latent heat flux FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Surface runoff FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Subsurface runoff FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Surface radiative temperature FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Rainfall flux FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Snow water equivalent FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Surface downward shortwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Snow cover FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Snow depth FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Snowfall rate FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Net downward shortwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Surface air temperature FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Near surface wind speed FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001
Total evapotranspiration FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Surface pressure FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Specific humidity FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Surface runoff FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Subsurface runoff FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Snowmelt FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Surface radiative temperature FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Maximum surface radiative temperature FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Minimum surface radiative temperature FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Rainfall flux FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Rainfall FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Snow water equivalent FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Surface downward shortwave radiation FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Snow depth FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Snow cover FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Snowfall rate FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Soil moisture content (0 - 10cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Soil moisture content (100 - 200cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Soil moisture content (10 - 40cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Net downward shortwave radiation FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Terrestrial water storage FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Surface air temperature FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001
Average Surface Skin temperature GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Direct Evaporation from Bare Soil GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Snow Evaporation GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Ground water storage GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Net long-wave radiation flux GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Ground heat flux GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Snow melt GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Snow depth GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Snow Surface temperature GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Profile Soil moisture GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Root Zone Soil moisture GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Surface Soil moisture GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Net short-wave radiation flux GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Transpiration GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Terrestrial water storage GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2
Average Surface Skin temperature GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Direct Evaporation from Bare Soil GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Snow Evaporation GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Ground water storage GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Downward longwave radiation flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Net longwave radiation flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Surface air pressure GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Specific humidity GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Heat flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Snow melt GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Downward shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Snow depth GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Snow Surface temperature GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Profile soil moisture GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Surface soil moisture GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Net shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Transpiration GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Terrestrial water storage GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0
Albedo GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Average Surface Skin temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Direct Evaporation from Bare Soil GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Downward long-wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Net long-wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Potential evaporation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Pressure GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Specific humidity GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Ground heat flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Snow melt GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Downward short-wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Snow depth GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Net short wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Transpiration GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0
Albedo GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Average surface skin temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Direct evaporation from bare soil GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Downward longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Net longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Potential evaporation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Surface air pressure GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Specific humidity GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Ground heat flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Snow melt GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Downward shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Snow depth GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Net shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Transpiration GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1
Albedo GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Average Surface Skin temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Direct Evaporation from Bare Soil GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Downward long-wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Net long-wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Potential evaporation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Surface pressure GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Specific humidity GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Ground heat flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Snow melt GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Downward short-wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Snow depth GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Soil temperature (40 -100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Net short wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Transpiration GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0
Albedo GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Average surface skin temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Direct evaporation from bare soil GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Downward longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Net longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Potential evaporation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Surface air pressure GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Specific humidity GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Ground heat flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Snow melt GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Downward shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Snow depth GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Net shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Transpiration GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1
Albedo GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Average Surface Skin temperature GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Direct Evaporation from Bare Soil GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Downward longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Net longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Potential evaporation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Surface pressure GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Specific humidity GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Ground heat flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Downward shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Net shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Transpiration GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0
Albedo GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Average surface skin temperature GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Direct evaporation from bare soil GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Downward longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Net longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Potential evaporation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Surface air pressure GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Specific humidity GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Ground heat flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Snow melt GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Downward shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Snow depth GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Net shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Transpiration GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1
precipitation GPCPDAY v3.1
probability of liquid precipitation GPCPDAY v3.1
Precipitation GPCPDAY v3.2
Probability of liquid phase GPCPDAY v3.2
Wind-loss adjusted gauge precipitation GPCPMON v3.1
Gauge relative weighting GPCPMON v3.1
Probability of liquid precipitation GPCPMON v3.1
Quality index GPCPMON v3.1
Combined satellite-gauge precipitation random error GPCPMON v3.1
Combined satellite-gauge precipitation GPCPMON v3.1
Multisatellite precipitation GPCPMON v3.1
Satellite source index GPCPMON v3.1
Wind-loss adjusted gauge precipitation GPCPMON v3.2
Gauge relative weighting GPCPMON v3.2
Probability of liquid phase GPCPMON v3.2
Quality index GPCPMON v3.2
Combined satellite-gauge precipitation random error GPCPMON v3.2
Combined satellite-gauge precipitation GPCPMON v3.2
Multisatellite precipitation GPCPMON v3.2
Satellite source index GPCPMON v3.2
Daily mean precipitation rate (combined microwave-IR) estimate - Early Run GPM_3IMERGDE v07
Daily mean precipitation rate (combined microwave-IR) estimate - Final Run GPM_3IMERGDF v07
Daily mean precipitation rate (combined microwave-IR) estimate - Late Run GPM_3IMERGDL v07
Multi-satellite precipitation estimate with climatological gauge calibration - Early Run GPM_3IMERGHHE v07
Random Error for multi-satellite precipitation with climatological gauge calibration - Early Run GPM_3IMERGHHE v07
Multi-satellite precipitation estimate with climatological gauge calibration - Late Run GPM_3IMERGHHL v07
Random Error for multi-satellite precipitation with climatological gauge calibration - Late Run GPM_3IMERGHHL v07
Multi-satellite precipitation estimate with gauge calibration - Final Run (recommended for general use) GPM_3IMERGHH v07
Quality Index for precipitation field - Final Run GPM_3IMERGHH v07
Probability of liquid phase - Final Run GPM_3IMERGHH v07
Random error for gauge-calibrated multi-satellite precipitation - Final Run GPM_3IMERGHH v07
Merged satellite-gauge precipitation estimate - Final Run (recommended for general use) GPM_3IMERGM v07
Quality Index for precipitation field - Final Run GPM_3IMERGM v07
Accumulation-weighted probability of liquid phase - Final Run GPM_3IMERGM v07
Random error for merged satellite-gauge precipitation - Final Run GPM_3IMERGM v07
Groundwater storage percentile GRACEDADM_CLSM0125US_7D v4.0
Root zone soil moisture percentile GRACEDADM_CLSM0125US_7D v4.0
Surface soil moisture percentile GRACEDADM_CLSM0125US_7D v4.0
Groundwater storage percentile GRACEDADM_CLSM025GL_7D v3.0
Root zone soil moisture percentile GRACEDADM_CLSM025GL_7D v3.0
Surface soil moisture percentile GRACEDADM_CLSM025GL_7D v3.0
Latent Heat Flux GSSTFM v3
Sensible Heat Flux GSSTFM v3
Wind Stress Magnitude GSSTFM v3
Wind Stress Vector GSSTFM v3
Volumetric Soil Moisture from 6.9 GHZ LPRM_AMSR2_A_SOILM3 v001
Volumetric Soil Moisture from 6.9 GHZ LPRM_AMSR2_DS_A_SOILM3 v001
Volumetric Soil Moisture from 6.9 GHZ LPRM_AMSR2_DS_D_SOILM3 v001
Volumetric Soil Moisture from 6.9 GHZ LPRM_AMSR2_D_SOILM3 v001
Optical Depth from LPRM AMSRE C-band Ascending LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002
Optical Depth from LPRM AMSRE X-band Ascending LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002
Soil moisture uncertainty of LPRM AMSRE C-band LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002
Soil moisture uncertainty of LPRM AMSRE X-band LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002
Soil Moisture, Volumetric, from LPRM AMSRE C-band Ascending LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002
Soil Moisture, Volumetric, from LPRM AMSRE X-band Ascending LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002
Skin Temperature (2mm) from LPRM AMSRE Ascending LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002
Optical Depth from LPRM AMSRE C-band Descending LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002
Optical Depth from LPRM AMSRE X-band Descending LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002
Soil moisture uncertainty of LPRM AMSRE C-band LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002
Soil moisture uncertainty of LPRM AMSRE X-band LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002
Soil Moisture, Volumetric, from LPRM AMSRE C-band Descending LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002
Soil Moisture, Volumetric, from LPRM AMSRE X-band Descending LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002
Skin Temperature (2mm) from LPRM AMSRE Descending LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002
Optical Depth from LPRM/TMI/TRMM X-band Day LPRM_TMI_DY_SOILM3 v001
Uncertainty of Soil moisture in LPRM/TMI/TRMM X-band Day LPRM_TMI_DY_SOILM3 v001
Soil Moisture, Volumetric, from LPRM/TMI/TRMM X-band Day LPRM_TMI_DY_SOILM3 v001
Skin Temperature (2mm) from LPRM/TMI/TRMM Day LPRM_TMI_DY_SOILM3 v001
Optical Depth from LPRM/TMI/TRMM X-band Night LPRM_TMI_NT_SOILM3 v001
Uncertainty of Soil moisture in LPRM /TMI/TRMM X-band Night LPRM_TMI_NT_SOILM3 v001
Volumetric Soil Moisture from LPRM/TMI/TRMM X-band Night LPRM_TMI_NT_SOILM3 v001
Skin Temperature (2mm) from LPRM/TMI/TRMM Night LPRM_TMI_NT_SOILM3 v001
Total precipitable water vapor, Instantaneous M2I1NXINT v5.12.4
Surface specific humidity, Instantaneous M2I1NXLFO v5.12.4
Surface wind speed, Instantaneous M2I1NXLFO v5.12.4
Surface air temperature over land, Instantaneous M2I1NXLFO v5.12.4
Surface pressure M2IMNPANA v5.12.4
Sea level pressure M2IMNPANA v5.12.4
Surface geopotential height M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Surface pressure M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Sea level pressure M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Zero plane displacement height M2IMNXASM v5.12.4
10-meter specific humidity M2IMNXASM v5.12.4
2-meter specific humidity M2IMNXASM v5.12.4
10-meter air temperature M2IMNXASM v5.12.4
2-meter air temperature M2IMNXASM v5.12.4
Total column ozone M2IMNXASM v5.12.4
Tropopause pressure based on blended estimate M2IMNXASM v5.12.4
Tropopause pressure based on thermal estimate M2IMNXASM v5.12.4
Tropopause pressure based on EPV estimate M2IMNXASM v5.12.4
Tropopause specific humidity using blended TROPP estimate M2IMNXASM v5.12.4
Tropopause temperature using blended TROPP estimate M2IMNXASM v5.12.4
Aerosol Optical Depth Analysis M2IMNXGAS v5.12.4
Aerosol Optical Depth Analysis Increment M2IMNXGAS v5.12.4
Vertically integrated enthalpy M2IMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy M2IMNXINT v5.12.4
Atmospheric mass M2IMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated virtual potential temperature M2IMNXINT v5.12.4
Total column odd oxygen M2IMNXINT v5.12.4
Total precipitable ice water M2IMNXINT v5.12.4
Total precipitable liquid water M2IMNXINT v5.12.4
Total precipitable water vapor M2IMNXINT v5.12.4
Surface layer height M2IMNXLFO v5.12.4
Surface pressure M2IMNXLFO v5.12.4
Surface specific humidity M2IMNXLFO v5.12.4
Surface wind speed M2IMNXLFO v5.12.4
Surface air temperature M2IMNXLFO v5.12.4
2-meter air temperature - daily max M2SDNXSLV v5.12.4
2-meter air temperature - daily mean M2SDNXSLV v5.12.4
2-meter air temperature - daily min M2SDNXSLV v5.12.4
consecutive dry days (maximum number of consecutive days when precipitation < 1 mm) M2SMNXEDI v2
cold spell duration index (count when at least 6 consecutive days of min 2-m temperature < 10th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2
consecutive wet days (maximum number of consecutive days when precipitation >= 1 mm) M2SMNXEDI v2
diurnal 2-m temperature range M2SMNXEDI v2
Frost Days (count of days when daily minimum 2 m temperature is less than 0 degrees C) M2SMNXEDI v2
Heatwave Amplitude (daily mean 2-m temperature on hottest day satisfying the heatwave criteria of at least three consecutive days above the 90th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2
Heatwave Duration (length of the longest number of consecutive days satisfying the heatwave criteria of at least three consecutive days above the 90th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2
Heatwave Frequency (count of days satisfying the heatwave criteria of at least three consecutive days above the 90th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2
Heatwave Magnitude (average 2-m temperature anomaly on days satisfying the heatwave criteria of at least three consecutive days above the 90th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2
Heatwave Number (count of events satisfying the heatwave criteria of at least three consecutive days above the 90th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2
Icing Days (count of days when daily maximum 2 m temperature is less than 0 degrees C) M2SMNXEDI v2
length of longest cold spell of at least 6 consecutive days below the 10th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2
length of longest warm spell of at least 6 consecutive days above the 90th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2
count of days with at least 10 mm of precipitation M2SMNXEDI v2
count of days with at least 20 mm of precipitation M2SMNXEDI v2
count of days with precipitation > 90th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2
total precipitation from days > 90th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2
count of days with precipitation > 95th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2
total precipitation from days > 95th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2
count of days with precipitation > 99th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2
total precipitation from days > 99th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2
maximum one day precipitation amount M2SMNXEDI v2
highest precipitation amount for a five-day interval M2SMNXEDI v2
count of heavy precipitation periods >= 50 mm within a five-day interval M2SMNXEDI v2
Simple Daily precipitation Intensity Index (ratio of total precipitation to the number of wet days) M2SMNXEDI v2
Summer Days (count of days when daily maximum 2 m temperature is greater than 25 degrees C) M2SMNXEDI v2
percentage of time when daily min 2-m temperature < 10th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2
percentage of time when daily min 2-m temperature > 90th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2
Tropical Nights (count of days when daily minimum 2 m temperature is greater than 20 degrees C) M2SMNXEDI v2
percentage of time when daily max 2-m temperature < 10th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2
percentage of time when daily max 2-m temperature > 90th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2
warm spell duration index (count when at least 6 consecutive days of max 2-m temperature > 90th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2
count of days with < 1 mm of precipitation M2SMNXEDI v2
count of days with precipitation >= 1 mm M2SMNXEDI v2
Percentile for total_precipitation M2SMNXPCT v2
Percentile for maximum 2-meter air temperature M2SMNXPCT v2
Percentile for mean 2-meter_air_temperature M2SMNXPCT v2
Percentile for minimum 2-meter_air_temperature M2SMNXPCT v2
2-meter air temperature - daily max M2SMNXSLV v5.12.4
2-meter air temperature - daily mean M2SMNXSLV v5.12.4
2-meter air temperature - daily min M2SMNXSLV v5.12.4
Dust Scattering AOT 550 nm - PM 1.0 um, time averaged M2T1NXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Column Mass Density, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Black Carbon Surface Mass Concentration, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Dust Column Mass Density, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Dust Column Mass Density - PM 2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Dust Extinction AOT 550 nm - PM 2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Dust Extinction AOT 550 nm, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Dust Surface Mass Concentration, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Dust Surface Mass Concentration - PM 2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE), time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE), time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
SO2 Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE), time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
SO2 Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE) , time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
SO4 Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE), time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
SO4 Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE), time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Sea Salt Column Mass Density - PM 2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Sea Salt Surface Mass Concentration - PM 2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Total Aerosol Angstrom parameter (470-870 nm), time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Total Column Mass Density - PM2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Total Aerosol Extinction AOT 550 nm, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Total Aerosol Scattering AOT 550 nm, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Total Surface Mass Concentration - PM2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4
Total latent energy flux, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4
Evaporation from turbulence, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4
Sensible heat flux from turbulence, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4
Total surface precipitation, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4
Bias corrected total surface precipitation, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4
Surface wind speed, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4
Surface wind maximum speed M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4
Surface eastward wind, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4
Surface northward wind, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4
Surface absorbed longwave radiation, time average M2T1NXLFO v5.12.4
Incident shortwave radiation land, time average M2T1NXLFO v5.12.4
Surface soil wetness, time average M2T1NXLND v5.12.4
Surface albedo, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4
Surface albedo for near infrared diffuse, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4
Surface albedo for visible diffuse, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4
Cloud area fraction for high clouds, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4
Cloud area fraction for low clouds, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4
Cloud area fraction for middle clouds, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4
Total cloud area fraction, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4
Surface emissivity, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4
Surface incoming shortwave flux, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4
Surface incoming shortwave flux (clear sky), time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4
Cloud top pressure, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4
Cloud top temperature, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4
Sea level pressure, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4
Total column ozone, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4
Total precipitable water vapor, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4
Surface skin temperature, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4
10-meter Eastward wind, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4
50-meter eastward wind, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4
10-meter Northward wind, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4
50-meter northward wind, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4
Black Carbon Dry Deposition Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Dry Deposition Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Emission Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Emission Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Anthropogenic Emissions M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Biomass Burning Emissions M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Biofuel Emissions M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Hydrophobic to Hydrophilic M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Sedimentation Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Sedimentation Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Convective Scavenging Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Convective Scavenging Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Wet Deposition Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Wet Deposition Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust TOMS UV Aerosol Index M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Dry Deposition Bin-1 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Dry Deposition Bin-2 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Dry Deposition Bin-3 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Dry Deposition Bin-4 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Dry Deposition Bin-5 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Dry Deposition Bin-all M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Dry+Wet Deposition Bin-all M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Emission Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Emission Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Emission Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Emission Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Emission Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Extinction AOT 550 nm - PM 1.0 um M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Scattering AOT 550 nm - PM 1.0 um M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Sedimentation Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Sedimentation Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Sedimentation Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Sedimentation Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Sedimentation Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Convective Scavenging Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Convective Scavenging Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Convective Scavenging Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Convective Scavenging Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Convective Scavenging Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Wet Deposition Bin-1 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Wet Deposition Bin-2 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Wet Deposition Bin-3 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Wet Deposition Bin-4 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Wet Deposition Bin-5 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Dust Wet Deposition Bin-all M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Dry Deposition Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Dry Deposition Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Emission Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Emission Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Anthropogenic Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Biomass Burning Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Biofuel Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Biogenic Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Hydrophobic to Hydrophilic _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Sedimentation Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Sedimentation Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Convective Scavenging Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Convective Scavenging Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Wet Deposition Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Wet Deposition Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
SO2 Anthropogenic Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
SO2 Biomass Burning Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
SO2 Volcanic (explosive) Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
SO2 Volcanic (non-explosive) Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
SO4 Anthropogenic Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt TOMS UV Aerosol Index M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Dry Deposition Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Dry Deposition Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Dry Deposition Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Dry Deposition Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Dry Deposition Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Emission Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Emission Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Emission Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Emission Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Emission Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Extinction AOT 550 nm - PM 1.0 um M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Scattering AOT 550 nm - PM 1.0 um M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Sedimentation Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Sedimentation Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Sedimentation Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Sedimentation Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Sedimentation Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Convective Scavenging Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Convective Scavenging Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Convective Scavenging Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Convective Scavenging Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Convective Scavenging Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Wet Deposition Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Wet Deposition Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Wet Deposition Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Wet Deposition Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sea Salt Wet Deposition Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Dry Deposition Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Dry Deposition Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Dry Deposition Bin 003 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Dry Deposition Bin 004 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Emission Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Emission Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Emission Bin 003 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Emission Bin 004 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
MSA Prod from DMS Oxidation, column _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
SO2 Prod from DMS Oxidation, column _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
SO4 Prod from Aqueous SO2 Oxidation, column _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
SO4 Prod from Gaseous SO2 Oxidation, column _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
SO4 Prod from Aqueous SO2 Oxidation (wet dep), column _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Settling Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Settling Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Settling Bin 003 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Settling Bin 004 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Convective Scavenging Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Convective Scavenging Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Convective Scavenging Bin 003 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Convective Scavenging Bin 004 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Wet Deposition Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Wet Deposition Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Wet Deposition Bin 003 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Sulfate Wet Deposition Bin 004 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4
Black Carbon Angstrom parameter 470-870 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Black Carbon Column Mass Density M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Black Carbon Extinction AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Black Carbon column u-wind mass flux M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Black Carbon column v-wind mass flux M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Black Carbon Scattering AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Black Carbon Surface Mass Concentration M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
DMS Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
DMS Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Dust Angstrom parameter 470-870 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Dust Column Mass Density M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Dust Column Mass Density - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Dust Extinction AOT 550 nm - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Dust Extinction AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Dust column u-wind mass flux M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Dust column v-wind mass flux M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Dust Scattering AOT 550 nm - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Dust Scattering AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Dust Surface Mass Concentration M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Dust Surface Mass Concentration - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Angstrom parameter 470-870 nm (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Extinction AOT 550 nm (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Organic Carbon column u-wind mass flux (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Organic Carbon column v-wind mass flux (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Scattering AOT 550 nm (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Organic Carbon Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
SO2 Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
SO2 Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
SO4 Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
SO4 Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Sea Salt Angstrom parameter 470-870 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Sea Salt Column Mass Density M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Sea Salt Column Mass Density - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Sea Salt Extinction AOT 550 nm - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Sea Salt Extinction AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Sea Salt column u-wind mass flux M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Sea Salt column v-wind mass flux M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Sea Salt Scattering AOT 550 nm - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Sea Salt Scattering AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Sea Salt Surface Mass Concentration M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Sea Salt Surface Mass Concentration - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
SO4 Angstrom parameter 470-870 nm (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
SO4 Extinction AOT 550 nm (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
SO4 column u-wind mass flux (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
SO4 column v-wind mass flux (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
SO4 Scattering AOT 550 nm (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Total Aerosol Angstrom parameter (470-870 nm) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Total Column Mass Density - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Total Aerosol Extinction AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Total Aerosol Scattering AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
Total Surface Mass Concentration - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4
CO Column Burden (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXCHM v5.12.4
CO Emission (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXCHM v5.12.4
CO Chemical Loss (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXCHM v5.12.4
CO Chemical Production (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXCHM v5.12.4
CO Surface Concentration (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXCHM v5.12.4
Total column ozone M2TMNXCHM v5.12.4
ISCCP cloud albedo M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
ISCCP total cloud area fraction M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS cloud fraction water mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS cloud fraction high mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS cloud fraction ice mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS cloud fraction low mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS cloud fraction mid mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS cloud fraction total mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS cloud particle size water mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS cloud particle size ice mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS cloud top pressure total mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS liquid water path mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS ice water path mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS optical thickness water mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS optical thickness water logmean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS optical thickness ice mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS optical thickness ice logmean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS optical thickness total mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
MODIS optical thickness total logmean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4
Surface bouyancy scale M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface exchange coefficient for heat M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface exchange coefficient for momentum M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface exchange coefficient for moisture M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface neutral drag coefficient M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Zero plane displacement height M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Total latent energy flux M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Evaporation from turbulence M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Areal fraction of anvil showers M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Areal fraction of convective showers M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Areal fraction of nonanvil large scale showers M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Sea-ice covered fraction of tile M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Ground heating for skin temperature M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Sensible heat flux from turbulence M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface layer height M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface downwelling near infrared diffuse flux M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface downwelling near infrared beam flux M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Planetary boundary layer height M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Total column production of precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Anvil precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Convective precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Nonanvil large scale precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Snowfall M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Total surface precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Bias corrected total surface precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Total column re-evap/subl of precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface specific humidity M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Effective surface specific humidity M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface moisture scale M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Air density at surface M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface bulk richardson number M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface wind speed M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface maximum wind speed (mean of hourly maximum) M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface eastward gravity wave stress M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface northward gravity wave stress M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Eastward surface stress M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Northward surface stress M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Transcom planetary boundary layer height M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface air temperature M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Effective surface skin temperature M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface temperature scale M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface eastward wind M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface wind velocity scale M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface northward wind M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface roughness for heat M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Surface roughness M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4
Fractional area of glaciated surface snowcover M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4
Runoff flux M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4
Aggregated snow ice broadband albedo M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4
Snow mass over glaciated surface M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4
Snow depth over glaciated surface M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4
Total snow mass residual due to densification M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4
Top snow layer mass change due to sub con M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4
Autoconversion loss of cloud water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy residual for BKG energy conservation M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Accretion loss of cloud water to rain M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Accretion loss of cloud water to snow M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Convective source of cloud ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Convective source of cloud water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Convective production of rain water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Total potential energy tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency due to gravity wave background M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency due to cumulus friction M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency due to friction M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency across gwd M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency across moist M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency due to orographic gravity waves M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Total potential energy tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency across radiation M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency due to Rayleigh friction M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated cpt tendency residual M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency across turbulence M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Total kinetic energy tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy dissipation due to gravity wave background M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy tendency across gwd M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy residual for total energy conservation M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy dissipation due to diffusion M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy tendency across moist M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy dissipation due to orographic gravity waves M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy tendency across physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy dissipation due to Rayleigh friction M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy dissipation due to surface friction M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy dissipation due to topographic friction M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated kinetic energy tendency across turbulence M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated mass tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated mass tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated mass tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated ozone tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated odd oxygen tendency due to chemistry M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated ozone tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated ox adjustment from filling M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated odd oxygen tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Mountain work tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Mountain work tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Mountain work tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated ice water tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated ice water tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated qi adjustment from filling M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated ice tendency due to moist processes M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated ice tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated liquid water tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated liquid water tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated ql adjustment from filling M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated liquid water tendency due to moist processes M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated liquid water tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated water vapor tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated water vapor tendency due to chemistry M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated water vapor tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated qv adjustment from filling M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated water vapor tendency due to moist processes M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated water vapor tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated water vapor tendency due to turbulence M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated THV tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated THV tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically integrated THV tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Evaporation from turbulence M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Evaporation loss of cloud water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Evaporation loss of precip water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Net freezing of cloud condensate M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Net freezing of precip condensate M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Sensible heat flux from turbulence M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Statistical source of cloud ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Statistical source of cloud water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Spurious rain from RH cleanup M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Surface net downward longwave flux M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Upwelling longwave flux at toa M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Convective rainfall M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Large scale rainfall M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Snowfall M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Vertically Integrated total water adjustment from filling M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Sedimentation loss of cloud ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Sublimation loss of cloud ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Sublimation loss of precip ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Surface net downward shortwave flux M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
TOA net downward shortwave flux M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Eastward flux of atmospheric enthalpy M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Eastward flux of atmospheric kinetic energy M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Eastward flux of atmospheric potential energy M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Eastward flux of atmospheric ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Eastward flux of atmospheric liquid water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Eastward flux of atmospheric water vapor M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Northward flux of atmospheric enthalpy M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Northward flux of atmospheric kinetic energy M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Northward flux of atmospheric potential energy M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Northward flux of atmospheric ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Northward flux of atmospheric liquid water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Northward flux of atmospheric water vapor M2TMNXINT v5.12.4
Surface absorbed longwave radiation M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4
Surface downwelling par diffuse flux M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4
Surface downwelling par beam flux M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4
Liquid water convective precipitation M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4
Liquid water large scale precipitation M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4
Snowfall M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4
Incident shortwave land M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4
Net shortwave land M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4
Baseflow flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Rate of change of total land energy M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Evaporation land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Interception loss energy flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Snow ice evaporation energy flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Baresoil evaporation energy flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Transpiration energy flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Fractional area of saturated zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Fractional area of land snowcover M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Fractional area of unsaturated zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Fractional area of wilting zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Ground heating land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Average profile soil moisture M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Root zone soil wetness M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Surface soil wetness M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Latent heat flux over land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Net longwave land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Surface downwelling par diffuse flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Surface downwelling par beam flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Snowfall land, bias corrected M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Total precipitation land, bias corrected M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Soil Water profile M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Soil water infiltration rate M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Overland runoff including throughflow M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Soil Water root zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Soil Water surface layer M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Sensible heat flux over land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Snowmelt flux land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Snow depth M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Total snow storage land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Rate of spurious land energy source M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Rate of spurious snow energy M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Rate of spurious land water source M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Net shortwave land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Total energy storage land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Surface temperature of snow M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Surface temperature of saturated zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Soil temperatures layer_1 M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Soil temperatures layer_2 M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Soil temperatures layer_3 M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Soil temperatures layer_4 M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Soil temperatures layer_5 M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Soil temperatures layer_6 M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Surface temperature of land include snow M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Surface temperature of unsaturated zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Available water storage land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Surface temperature of wilted zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Rate of change of total land water M2TMNXLND v5.12.4
Sea ice latent energy flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Open water latent energy flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
ice covered fraction of tile (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Sea ice upward sensible heat flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Open water upward sensible heat flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Sea ice net downward longwave flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Open water net downward longwave flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Ocean snowfall (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
10 meter specific humidity M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
ocean rainfall (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Sea ice net downward shortwave flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Open water net downward shortwave flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
10 meter air temperature M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Eastward stress over ice (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Eastward stress over water (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Northward stress over ice (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Northward stress over water (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Sea ice skin temperature (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Open water skin temperature (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
10 meter eastward wind M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
10 meter northward wind M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4
Surface albedo M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface albedo for near infrared diffuse M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface albedo for near infrared beam M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface albedo for visible diffuse M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface albedo for visible beam M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Cloud area fraction for high clouds M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Cloud area fraction for low clouds M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Cloud area fraction for middle clouds M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Total cloud area fraction M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface emissivity M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface absorbed longwave radiation M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface absorbed longwave radiation assuming clear sky M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface absorbed longwave radiation assuming clear sky and no aerosol M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Longwave flux emitted from surface M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface net downward longwave flux M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface net downward longwave flux assuming clear sky M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface net downward longwave flux assuming clear sky and no aerosol M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Upwelling longwave flux at toa M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Upwelling longwave flux at toa (clear-sky) M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Upwelling longwave flux at toa (clear sky and no aerosol) M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface incoming shortwave flux M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface incoming shortwave flux (clear sky) M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface net downward shortwave flux M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface net downward shortwave flux assuming no aerosol M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Surface net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky and no aerosol M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Toa incoming shortwave flux M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Toa net downward shortwave flux M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Toa net downward shortwave flux assuming no aerosol M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Toa net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Toa net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky and no aerosol M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
In cloud optical thickness of high clouds(EXPORT) M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
In cloud optical thickness of low clouds M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
In cloud optical thickness of middle clouds M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
In cloud optical thickness of all clouds M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4
Cloud top pressure M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Cloud top temperature M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Zero plane displacement height M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Geopotential height at 1000 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Geopotential height at 250 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Geopotential height at 500 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Geopotential height at 850 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Omega at 500 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Planetary boundary layer top pressure M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Surface pressure M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Specific humidity at 250 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Specific humidity at 500 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Specific humidity at 850 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
10-meter specific humidity M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
2-meter specific humidity M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Sea level pressure M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
10-meter air temperature M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Air temperature at 250 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
2-meter air temperature M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
2-meter dew point temperature M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
2-meter wet bulb temperature M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Air temperature at 500 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Air temperature at 850 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Total column ozone M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Total column odd oxygen M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Total precipitable ice water M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Total precipitable liquid water M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Total precipitable water vapor M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Tropopause pressure - blended estimate M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Tropopause pressure based on thermal estimate M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Tropopause pressure based on EPV estimate M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Tropopause specific humidity using blended TROPP estimate M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Tropopause temperature using blended TROPP estimate M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Surface skin temperature M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
10-meter eastward wind M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Eastward wind at 250 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
2-meter eastward wind M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Eastward wind at 500 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Eastward wind at 50-meters M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Eastward wind at 850 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
10-meter northward wind M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Northward wind at 250 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
2-meter northward wind M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Northward wind at 500 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Northward wind at 50-meters M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Northward wind at 850 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Lifting condensation level M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4
Bias corrected surface total PM2.5 mass concentration - all quality levels MERRA2_CNN_HAQAST_PM25 v1
Aerosol Optical Depth 555 nm MIL3DAE v4
Aerosol Optical Depth 555 nm MIL3MAE v4
Combined Dark Target and Deep Blue AOD at 0.55 micron for land and ocean: Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Dark Target) MOD08_D3 v6.1
Scattering Angle: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) 440 to 10mb (previously 700 to 300mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Surface to 680mb (previously Surface to 920mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Total Column: Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Cirrus Reflectance: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Ice Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Liquid Water Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Day: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Night: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Combined Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Ice Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Liquid Water Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Top Pressure (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Top Pressure: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Top Pressure (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Top Temperature: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Top Temperature (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Top Temperature (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Ice Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Liquid Water Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Deep Blue, Land-only) MOD08_D3 v6.1
Deep Blue Angstrom Exponent for land (0.412-0.47 micron): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Water vapor near infrared - clear column (bright land and ocean sunglint only): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Water vapor near infrared - cloudy column: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1
Combined Dark Target and Deep Blue AOD at 0.55 micron for land and ocean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Dark Target) MOD08_M3 v6.1
Scattering Angle: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) 440 to 10mb (previously 700 to 300mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Surface to 680mb (previously Surface to 920mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Total Column: Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Cirrus Reflectance: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Ice Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Liquid Water Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Day: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Night: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Combined Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Ice Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Liquid Water Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Top Pressure (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Top Pressure: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Top Pressure (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Top Temperature: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Top Temperature (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Top Temperature (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Ice Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Liquid Water Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Deep Blue, Land-only) MOD08_M3 v6.1
Deep Blue Angstrom Exponent for land (0.412-0.47 micron): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Water vapor near infrared - clear column (bright land and ocean sunglint only): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Water vapor near infrared - cloudy column: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1
Chlorophyll a concentration (water only) MODISA_L3m_CHL_8d_4km vR2022.0
Chlorophyll a concentration (water only) MODISA_L3m_CHL vR2022.0
Normalized Fluorescence Line Height (water only) MODISA_L3m_FLH_8d_4km vR2022.0
Normalized Fluorescence Line Height (water only) MODISA_L3m_FLH vR2022.0
Absorption due to gelbstoff and detrital material at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) MODISA_L3m_IOP_8d_4km vR2022.0
Absorption due to phytoplankton at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) MODISA_L3m_IOP_8d_4km vR2022.0
Particulate backscattering at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) MODISA_L3m_IOP_8d_4km vR2022.0
Absorption due to gelbstoff and detrital material at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) MODISA_L3m_IOP vR2022.0
Absorption due to phytoplankton at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) MODISA_L3m_IOP vR2022.0
Particulate backscattering at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) MODISA_L3m_IOP vR2022.0
Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm, KD2 algorithm (water only) MODISA_L3m_KD_8d_4km vR2022.0
Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm, KD2 algorithm (water only) MODISA_L3m_KD vR2022.0
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_NSST_8d_4km vR2019.0
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_NSST_8d_9km vR2019.0
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_NSST_Monthly_4km vR2019.0
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_NSST_Monthly_9km vR2019.0
Photosynthetically Available Radiation, R. Frouin (water only) MODISA_L3m_PAR_8d_4km vR2022.0
Photosynthetically Available Radiation, R. Frouin (water only) MODISA_L3m_PAR vR2022.0
Calcite Concentration, Balch and Gordon (water only) MODISA_L3m_PIC_8d_4km vR2022.0
Calcite Concentration, Balch and Gordon (water only) MODISA_L3m_PIC vR2022.0
Particulate Organic Carbon, D. Stramski, 2007 (443/555 version) (water only) MODISA_L3m_POC_8d_4km vR2022.0
Particulate Organic Carbon, D. Stramski, 2007 (443/555 version) (water only) MODISA_L3m_POC vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 412 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 443 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 469 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 488 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 531 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 547 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 555 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 645 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 667 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 678 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 412 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 443 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 469 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 488 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 531 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 547 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 555 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 645 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 667 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 678 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Sea Surface Temperature at 4 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST4_8d_4km vR2019.0
Sea Surface Temperature at 4 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST4_8d_9km vR2019.0
Sea Surface Temperature at 4 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST4_Monthly_4km vR2019.0
Sea Surface Temperature at 4 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST4_Monthly_9km vR2019.0
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Day) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST_8d_4km vR2019.0
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Day) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST_8d_9km vR2019.0
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Day) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST_Monthly_4km vR2019.0
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Day) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST_Monthly_9km vR2019.0
Retrieved CO Surface Mixing Ratio Day MOP03JM v9
Retrieved CO Total Column Day MOP03JM v9
Retrieved CO Surface Mixing Ratio Day MOP03TM v9
Retrieved CO Surface Mixing Ratio Night MOP03TM v9
Retrieved CO Total Column Day MOP03TM v9
Retrieved CO Total Column Night MOP03TM v9
Combined Dark Target and Deep Blue AOD at 0.55 micron for land and ocean: Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Dark Target) MYD08_D3 v6.1
Scattering Angle: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) 440 to 10mb (previously 700 to 300mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Surface to 680mb (previously Surface to 920mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Total Column: Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Cirrus Reflectance: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Ice Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Liquid Water Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Day: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Night: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Combined Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Ice Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Liquid Water Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Top Pressure (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Top Pressure: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Top Pressure (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Top Temperature: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Top Temperature (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Cloud Top Temperature (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Ice Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Liquid Water Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Deep Blue, Land-only) MYD08_D3 v6.1
Deep Blue Angstrom Exponent for land (0.412-0.47 micron): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Water vapor near infrared - clear column (bright land and ocean sunglint only): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Water vapor near infrared - cloudy column: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1
Combined Dark Target and Deep Blue AOD at 0.55 micron for land and ocean: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Aerosol Optical Thickness at 0.55 microns for both Ocean (best) and Land (corrected): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Scattering Angle: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) 440 to 10mb (previously 700 to 300mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Surface to 680mb (previously Surface to 920mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Total Column: Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Cirrus Reflectance: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Ice Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Liquid Water Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Day: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Night: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Combined Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Ice Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Liquid Water Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Top Pressure (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Top Pressure: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Top Pressure (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Top Temperature: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Top Temperature (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Cloud Top Temperature (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Ice Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Liquid Water Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Deep Blue, Land-only) MYD08_M3 v6.1
Deep Blue Angstrom Exponent for land (0.412-0.47 micron): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Water vapor near infrared - clear column (bright land and ocean sunglint only): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Water vapor near infrared - cloudy column: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1
Evapotranspiration NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Flooded area NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Flooded fraction NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Irrigated water rate NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Downward longwave radiation flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Net longwave radiation flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Potential evaporation rate NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Near surface air pressure NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Specific humidity NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Ground heat flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Sensible heat net flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Latent heat net flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Storm surface runoff NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Baseflow-groundwater runoff NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Rain precipitation rate NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Total precipitation rate NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Snow depth water equivalent NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Downward shortwave radiation flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Net shortwave radiation flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Snow precipitation rate NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Streamflow NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Near surface air temperature NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Daily maximum air temperature NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Daily minimum air temperature NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Wind speed NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0
Convective Available Potential Energy NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0
Fraction of total precipitation that is convective NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0
Longwave radiation flux downwards (surface) NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0
Surface pressure NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0
Potential evaporation NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0
2-meter above ground Specific humidity NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0
Total precipitation NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0
Shortwave radiation flux downwards (surface) NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0
2-meter above ground Temperature NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0
10-meter above ground Zonal wind speed NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0
10-meter above ground Meridional wind speed NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0
Convective Available Potential Energy NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0
Convective Precipitation NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0
Longwave radiation flux downwards (surface) NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0
Surface pressure NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0
Potential evaporation NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0
Specific humidity (2-meter above ground) NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0
Total precipitation NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0
Shortwave radiation flux downwards (surface) NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0
Air Temperature (2-meter above ground) NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0
Wind speed (10-meter above ground Zonal wind) NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0
Wind speed (10-m above ground Meridional wind) NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0
Total evapotranspiration NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0
Ground heat flux NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0
Sensible heat flux NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0
Latent heat flux NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0
Surface runoff (non-infiltrating) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0
Subsurface runoff (baseflow) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content (0-100cm) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content (0-10cm) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content (0-200cm) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content (10-40cm) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content (40-200cm) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0
Soil temperature NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0
Surface albedo NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Average surface skin temperature NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Plant canopy surface water NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Canopy water evaporation NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Direct evaporation from bare soil NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Total evapotranspiration NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Longwave radiation flux downwards (surface) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Net longwave radiation flux (surface) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Potential evapotranspiration NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Snow phase-change heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Ground heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Sensible heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Latent heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Surface runoff (non-infiltrating) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Subsurface runoff (baseflow) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Snowmelt NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Liquid precipitation (rainfall) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Root zone soil moisture NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture availability (0-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture availability (0-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Liquid soil moisture content (0-10cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Liquid soil moisture content (100-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Liquid soil moisture content (10-40cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Liquid soil moisture content (40-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Snow Water Equivalent NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Shortwave radiation flux downwards (surface) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Net shortwave radiation flux (surface) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Snow depth NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Snow cover NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Frozen precipitation (snowfall) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content (0-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content (0-10cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content (0-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content (100-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content (10-40cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content (40-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Soil temperature (0-10cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Soil temperature (100-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Soil temperature (10-40cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Soil temperature (40-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Streamflow NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Sublimation (evaporation from snow) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Transpiration NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0
Albedo NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Temperature (average surface skin) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Plant canopy surface water NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Canopy water evaporation NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Direct evaporation from bare soil NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Total evapotranspiration NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Surface incident longwave radiation flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Surface net longwave radiation flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Potential evapotranspiration NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Snow phase-change heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Ground heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Sensible heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Latent heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Surface runoff (non-infiltrating) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Subsurface runoff (baseflow) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Snowmelt NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Rainfall (unfrozen precipitation) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Root zone soil moisture NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Soil moisture availability (0-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Soil moisture availability (0-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Liquid soil moisture content (0-10cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Liquid soil moisture content (100-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Liquid soil moisture content (10-40cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Liquid soil moisture content (40-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Snow Water Equivalent NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Surface incident shortwave radiation flux downwards NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Surface net shortwave radiation flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Snow depth NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Snow cover NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Frozen precipitation (snowfall) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (0-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (0-10cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (0-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (100-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (10-40cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Soil moisture content (40-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Soil temperature (0-10cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Soil temperature (100-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Soil temperature (10-40cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Soil temperature (40-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Streamflow NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Sublimation (evaporation from snow) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Transpiration NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0
Total evapotranspiration NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Ground heat flux NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Sensible heat flux NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Latent heat flux NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Surface runoff (non-infiltrating) NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Subsurface runoff (baseflow) NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content (0-100cm) NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content VIC layer 1 NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content VIC layer 2 NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content VIC layer 3 NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Soil moisture content VIC total column depth NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Soil temperature VIC layer 1 NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Soil temperature VIC layer 2 NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Soil temperature VIC layer 3 NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0
Chlorophytes (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017
Coccolithophores (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017
Cyanobacteria (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017
Diatoms (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017
Ocean mixed layer depth (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017
Percentage sea ice cover (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017
Iron (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017
Nitrate (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017
Total chlorophyll (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017
Chlorophytes (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017
Coccolithophores (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017
Cyanobacteria (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017
Diatoms (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017
Ocean mixed layer depth (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017
Percentage sea ice cover (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017
Iron (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017
Nitrate (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017
Total chlorophyll (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017
Carbon dioxide, assimilated dry-air column average OCO2_GEOS_L3CO2_DAY v10r
Carbon dioxide, assimilated dry-air column average OCO2_GEOS_L3CO2_MONTH v10r
Chlorophyll a Concentration OCTS_L3m_CHL v2014
Diffuse attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance at 490 nm OCTS_L3m_KD v2014
Daily average photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) OCTS_L3m_PAR v2014
Concentration of Particulate Inorganic Carbon OCTS_L3m_PIC v2014
Concentration of Particulate Organic Carbon OCTS_L3m_POC v2014
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 342.5 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 388 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 442 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 463 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 483.5 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Optical Depth 342.5 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Optical Depth 388.0 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Optical Depth 442.0 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Optical Depth 463.0 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Optical Depth 483.5 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 342.5 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 388 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 442 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 463 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 483.5 nm OMAEROe v003
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 354 nm OMAERUVd v003
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 388 nm OMAERUVd v003
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 500 nm OMAERUVd v003
Aerosol Optical Depth 354 nm OMAERUVd v003
Aerosol Optical Depth 388 nm OMAERUVd v003
Aerosol Optical Depth 500 nm OMAERUVd v003
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 354 nm OMAERUVd v003
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 388 nm OMAERUVd v003
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 500 nm OMAERUVd v003
UV Aerosol Index OMAERUVd v003
Ozone Total Column (DOAS) OMDOAO3e v003
HCHO column amount OMHCHOd v003
NO2 Total Column (30% Cloud Screened) OMNO2d v003
NO2 Tropospheric Column (30% Cloud Screened) OMNO2d v003
SO2 Column Amount OMSO2e v003
Ozone Total Column (TOMS-like) OMTO3d v003
Radiative Cloud Fraction OMTO3d v003
UV Aerosol Index OMTO3d v003
Ozone Total Column (TOMS-like) OMTO3e v003
Radiative Cloud Fraction OMTO3e v003
Erythemal Daily Dose (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003
Erythemal Dose Rate (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003
Irradiance 305 nm (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003
Irradiance 310 nm (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003
Irradiance 324 nm (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003
Irradiance 380 nm (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003
UV Index (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003
CCI derived soil moisture anomalies of 0-40 cm layer SMERGE_RZSM0_40CM v2.0
Averaged soil moisture of 0-40 cm layer SMERGE_RZSM0_40CM v2.0
Aerosol Optical Depth 412 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 510 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L305 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L305 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 865 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 412/490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L305 v004
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 510/670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L305 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 412 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 510 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L310 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L310 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 865 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 412/490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L310 v004
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 510/670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L310 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 412 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 510 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3M05 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3M05 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 865 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 412/490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L3M05 v004
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 510/670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L3M05 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 412 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 510 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3M10 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3M10 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Aerosol Optical Depth 865 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 412/490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L3M10 v004
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 510/670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L3M10 v004
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004
Climatology (1997-2010) of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3MC05 v004
Climatology (1997-2010) of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3MC05 v004
Climatology (1997-2010) of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3MC05 v004
Climatology (1997-2010) of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3MC10 v004
Climatology (1997-2010) of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3MC10 v004
Climatology (1997-2010) of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3MC10 v004
Anomaly of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3MCA05 v004
Anomaly of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3MCA05 v004
Anomaly of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3MCA05 v004
Anomaly of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3MCA10 v004
Anomaly of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3MCA10 v004
Anomaly of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3MCA10 v004
Chlorophyll Concentration, OCI Algorithm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_CHL_8d vR2022.0
Chlorophyll Concentration, OCI Algorithm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_CHL vR2022.0
Absorption due to gelbstoff and detrital material at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_IOP_8d vR2022.0
Absorption due to phytoplankton at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_IOP_8d vR2022.0
Particulate backscattering at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_IOP_8d vR2022.0
Absorption due to gelbstoff and detrital material at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_IOP vR2022.0
Absorption due to phytoplankton at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_IOP vR2022.0
Particulate backscattering at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_IOP vR2022.0
Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm, KD2 algorithm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_KD_8d vR2022.0
Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm, KD2 algorithm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_KD vR2022.0
Photosynthetically Available Radiation, R. Frouin (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_PAR_8d vR2022.0
Photosynthetically Available Radiation, R. Frouin (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_PAR vR2022.0
Calcite Concentration, Balch and Gordon (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_PIC_8d vR2022.0
Calcite Concentration, Balch and Gordon (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_PIC vR2022.0
Particulate Organic Carbon, D. Stramski, 2007 (443/555 version) (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_POC_8d vR2022.0
Particulate Organic Carbon, D. Stramski, 2007 (443/555 version) (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_POC vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 412 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS_8d vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 443 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS_8d vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 490 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS_8d vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 510 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS_8d vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 555 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS_8d vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 670 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS_8d vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 412 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 443 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 490 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 510 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 555 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
Remote sensing reflectance at 670 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS vR2022.0
UV Aerosol Index TOMSEPL3 v008
Erythemal Dose Rate (Local Noon) TOMSEPL3 v008
Ozone Total Column TOMSEPL3 v008
Reflectivity at 360 nm TOMSEPL3 v008
Ozone Total Column TOMSM3L3 v008
Reflectivity at 360 nm TOMSM3L3 v008
UV Aerosol Index TOMSN7L3 v008
Erythemal Dose Rate (Local Noon) TOMSN7L3 v008
Ozone Total Column TOMSN7L3 v008
Reflectivity at 360 nm TOMSN7L3 v008
Surface Convective Precipitation Rate TRMM_3A12 v7
Precipitation Rate TRMM_3A12 v7
Rain Rate TRMM_3A12 v7
Near-Real-Time Precipitation Rate TRMM_3B42RT v7
Near-Real-Time Precipitation Rate TRMM_3B42RT_Daily v7
Precipitation TRMM_3B42 v7
Precipitation Rate TRMM_3B42_Daily v7
Precipitation Rate TRMM_3B43 v7
3D Variables
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Geopotential Height (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Geopotential Height (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Relative Humidity (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Relative Humidity (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Air Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Air Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Geopotential Height (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Geopotential Height (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Relative Humidity (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Relative Humidity (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Air Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Air Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Geopotential Height (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Geopotential Height (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Relative Humidity (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Relative Humidity (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Air Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Air Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Geopotential Height (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Geopotential Height (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Relative Humidity (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Relative Humidity (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Air Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Air Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Geopotential Height (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Geopotential Height (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Relative Humidity (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Relative Humidity (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Air Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006
Air Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Geopotential Height (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Geopotential Height (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Relative Humidity (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Relative Humidity (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Air Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Air Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Geopotential Height (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Geopotential Height (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Relative Humidity (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Relative Humidity (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Air Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006
Air Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Methane, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Carbon Monoxide, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Geopotential Height (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Geopotential Height (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Ozone, Mole Fraction in Air (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Relative Humidity (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Relative Humidity (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Air Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Air Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0
Ertels potential vorticity, Instantaneous M2I3NPASM v5.12.4
Geopotential Height (edge), Instantaneous M2I3NPASM v5.12.4
Ozone mass mixing ratio, Instantaneous M2I3NPASM v5.12.4
Specific humidity, Instantaneous M2I3NPASM v5.12.4
Relative humidity after moist, Instantaneous M2I3NPASM v5.12.4
Air temperature, Instantaneous M2I3NPASM v5.12.4
Eastward wind, Instantaneous M2I3NPASM v5.12.4
Northward wind, Instantaneous M2I3NPASM v5.12.4
Geopotential height M2IMNPANA v5.12.4
Ozone mixing ratio M2IMNPANA v5.12.4
Specific humidity M2IMNPANA v5.12.4
Air temperature M2IMNPANA v5.12.4
Eastward wind component M2IMNPANA v5.12.4
Northward wind component M2IMNPANA v5.12.4
Ertels potential vorticity M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Edge heights M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Ozone mass mixing ratio M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Vertical pressure velocity M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Mass fraction of cloud ice water M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Mass fraction of cloud liquid water M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Specific humidity M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Relative humidity after moist M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Air temperature M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Eastward wind component M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Northward wind component M2IMNPASM v5.12.4
Cloud fraction for radiation, time average M2T3NPRAD v5.12.4
Updraft areal fraction M2TMNPCLD v5.12.4
Cloud fraction for radiation M2TMNPCLD v5.12.4
Detraining mass flux M2TMNPCLD v5.12.4
In_cloud cloud ice for radiation M2TMNPCLD v5.12.4
In_cloud cloud liquid for radiation M2TMNPCLD v5.12.4
Mass fraction of cloud ice water M2TMNPCLD v5.12.4
Mass fraction of cloud liquid water M2TMNPCLD v5.12.4
Relative humidity after moist M2TMNPCLD v5.12.4
In_cloud optical thickness for ice clouds M2TMNPCLD v5.12.4
In_cloud optical thickness for liquid clouds M2TMNPCLD v5.12.4
Cumulative mass flux M2TMNPMST v5.12.4
Convective rainwater source M2TMNPMST v5.12.4
Large scale rainwater source M2TMNPMST v5.12.4
3D flux of ice convective precipitation M2TMNPMST v5.12.4
3D flux of ice nonconvective precipitation M2TMNPMST v5.12.4
3D flux of liquid convective precipitation M2TMNPMST v5.12.4
3D flux of liquid nonconvective precipitation M2TMNPMST v5.12.4
Evap subl of convective precipitation M2TMNPMST v5.12.4
Evap subl of non convective precipitation M2TMNPMST v5.12.4
Total ozone analysis tendency M2TMNPODT v5.12.4
Tendency of odd oxygen mixing ratio due to chemistry M2TMNPODT v5.12.4
Tendency of ozone due to dynamics M2TMNPODT v5.12.4
Tendency of odd oxygen due to moist processes M2TMNPODT v5.12.4
Tendency of odd oxygen due to turbulence M2TMNPODT v5.12.4
Tendency of ice water due to dynamics M2TMNPQDT v5.12.4
Total ice water tendency due to moist M2TMNPQDT v5.12.4
Tendency of frozen condensate due to turbulence M2TMNPQDT v5.12.4
Tendency of liquid water due to dynamics M2TMNPQDT v5.12.4
Total liquid water tendency due to moist M2TMNPQDT v5.12.4
Tendency of liquid condensate due to turbulence M2TMNPQDT v5.12.4
Total specific humidity analysis tendency M2TMNPQDT v5.12.4
Tendency of water vapor mixing ratio due to chemistry M2TMNPQDT v5.12.4
Tendency of specific humidity due to dynamics M2TMNPQDT v5.12.4
Specific humidity tendency due to moist M2TMNPQDT v5.12.4
Tendency of specific humidity due to turbulence M2TMNPQDT v5.12.4
Air temperature tendency due to longwave M2TMNPRAD v5.12.4
Air temperature tendency due to longwave for clear skies M2TMNPRAD v5.12.4
Air temperature tendency due to shortwave M2TMNPRAD v5.12.4
Air temperature tendency due to shortwave for clear skies M2TMNPRAD v5.12.4
Total temperature analysis tendency M2TMNPTDT v5.12.4
Tendency of air temperature due to dynamics M2TMNPTDT v5.12.4
Tendency of air temperature due to friction M2TMNPTDT v5.12.4
Air temperature tendency due to GWD M2TMNPTDT v5.12.4
Tendency of air temperature due to moist processes M2TMNPTDT v5.12.4
Tendency of air temperature due to radiation M2TMNPTDT v5.12.4
Tendency of air temperature due to physics M2TMNPTDT v5.12.4
Tendency of air temperature due to turbulence M2TMNPTDT v5.12.4
Total scalar diffusivity M2TMNPTRB v5.12.4
Entrainment heat diffusivity from Lock M2TMNPTRB v5.12.4
Scalar diffusivity from Louis M2TMNPTRB v5.12.4
Radiation driven scalar diffusivity from Lock scheme M2TMNPTRB v5.12.4
Surface driven scalar diffusivity from Lock scheme M2TMNPTRB v5.12.4
Total momentum diffusivity M2TMNPTRB v5.12.4
Entrainment momentum diffusivity from Lock M2TMNPTRB v5.12.4
Momentum diffusivity from Louis M2TMNPTRB v5.12.4
Richardson number from Louis M2TMNPTRB v5.12.4
Total eastward wind analysis tendency M2TMNPUDT v5.12.4
Tendency of eastward wind due to dynamics M2TMNPUDT v5.12.4
Tendency of eastward wind due to GWD M2TMNPUDT v5.12.4
Zonal wind tendency due to moist M2TMNPUDT v5.12.4
Tendency of eastward wind due to turbulence M2TMNPUDT v5.12.4
Total northward wind analysis tendency M2TMNPUDT v5.12.4
Tendency of northward wind due to dynamics M2TMNPUDT v5.12.4
Tendency of northward wind due to GWD M2TMNPUDT v5.12.4
Meridional wind tendency due to moist M2TMNPUDT v5.12.4
Tendency of northward wind due to turbulence M2TMNPUDT v5.12.4
Retrieved CO Mixing Ratio Profile Day MOP03JM v9
Retrieved CO Mixing Ratio Profile Day MOP03TM v9
Retrieved CO Mixing Ratio Profile Night MOP03TM v9
Cloud Ice TRMM_3A12 v7
Cloud Liquid Water TRMM_3A12 v7
Graupel TRMM_3A12 v7
Latent Heating TRMM_3A12 v7
Precipitation (Rain) TRMM_3A12 v7
Precipitation (Snow) TRMM_3A12 v7
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