Anomaly of air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRGX3STMMA v006 |
Anomaly of air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending) AIRGX3STMMA v006 |
Anomaly of Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRGX3STMMA v006 |
Anomaly of Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRGX3STMMA v006 |
Multi-year Monthly Mean (2002-2016) of Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRGX3STMM v006 |
Multi-year Monthly Mean (2002-2016) of Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending) AIRGX3STMM v006 |
Multi-year Monthly Mean (2002-2016) of Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRGX3STMM v006 |
Multi-year Monthly Mean (2002-2016) of Surface Temperature (Nightime/Descending) AIRGX3STMM v006 |
Carbon Dioxide, Mole Fraction in Free Troposphere, IR-Only AIRS3C2M v005 |
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Air Temperature at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Air Temperature at Surface (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v006 |
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Air Temperature at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Air Temperature at Surface (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STD v7.0 |
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v006 |
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending, AIRS-only) AIRS3STM v7.0 |
Carbon Dioxide, Mole Fraction in Free Troposphere AIRX3C2M v005 |
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v006 |
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STD v7.0 |
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v006 |
Cloud Fraction (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Cloud Fraction (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation Clear Sky (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Water Vapor Mass Mixing Ratio at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Outgoing Longwave Radiation (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Relative Humidity at Surface (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Air temperature at surface (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Air temperature at surface (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Surface Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Surface Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Total Column Water Vapor (Nightime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Ozone Total Column (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Ozone Total Column (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Tropopause Height (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Tropopause Height (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Tropopause Pressure (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Tropopause Pressure (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Tropopause Temperature (Daytime/Ascending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Tropopause Temperature (Nighttime/Descending) AIRX3STM v7.0 |
Sea Surface Salinity (water only) AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_CAP_MONTHLY_V5 v5.0 |
Sea Surface Salinity, Rain Corrected (water only) AQUARIUS_L3_SSS_RAINCORRECTED_CAP_MONTHLY_V5 v5.0 |
Wind Speed (water only) AQUARIUS_L3_WIND_SPEED_CAP_MONTHLY_V5 v5.0 |
Total evapotranspiration FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Surface downward longwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Net downward longwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Surface pressure FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Specific humidity FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Soil heat flux FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Sensible heat flux FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Latent heat flux FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Surface runoff FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Subsurface runoff FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Surface radiative temperature FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Rainfall flux FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Snow water equivalent FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Surface downward shortwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Snow cover FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Snow depth FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Snowfall rate FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Soil moisture content (100- 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Net downward shortwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Surface air temperature FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Near surface wind speed FLDAS_NOAH01_CP_GL_M v001 |
Anomaly of Total evapotranspiration FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001 |
Anomaly of Total runoff FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001 |
Anomaly of Rainfall flux FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001 |
Anomaly of Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001 |
Anomaly of Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001 |
Anomaly of Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001 |
Anomaly of Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001 |
Anomaly of Surface air temperature FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MA v001 |
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Total evapotranspiration FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001 |
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Total runoff FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001 |
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Rainfall flux FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001 |
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001 |
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001 |
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001 |
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001 |
Climatology (1982 - 2016) of Surface air temperature FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_MC v001 |
Total evapotranspiration FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Surface downward longwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Net downward longwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Surface pressure FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Specific humidity FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Soil heat flux FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Sensible heat flux FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Latent heat flux FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Surface runoff FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Subsurface runoff FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Surface radiative temperature FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Rainfall flux FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Snow water equivalent FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Surface downward shortwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Snow cover FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Snow depth FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Snowfall rate FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Net downward shortwave radiation FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Surface air temperature FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Near surface wind speed FLDAS_NOAH01_C_GL_M v001 |
Total evapotranspiration FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Surface pressure FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Specific humidity FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Surface runoff FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Subsurface runoff FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Snowmelt FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Surface radiative temperature FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Maximum surface radiative temperature FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Minimum surface radiative temperature FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Rainfall flux FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Rainfall FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Snow water equivalent FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Surface downward shortwave radiation FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Snow depth FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Snow cover FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Snowfall rate FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Soil moisture content (0 - 10cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Soil moisture content (100 - 200cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Soil moisture content (10 - 40cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Net downward shortwave radiation FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Terrestrial water storage FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Surface air temperature FLDAS_NOAHMP001_G_CA_D v001 |
Average Surface Skin temperature GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Direct Evaporation from Bare Soil GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Snow Evaporation GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Ground water storage GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Net long-wave radiation flux GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Ground heat flux GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Snow melt GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Snow depth GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Snow Surface temperature GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Profile Soil moisture GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Root Zone Soil moisture GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Surface Soil moisture GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Net short-wave radiation flux GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Transpiration GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Terrestrial water storage GLDAS_CLSM025_DA1_D v2.2 |
Average Surface Skin temperature GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Direct Evaporation from Bare Soil GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Snow Evaporation GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Ground water storage GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Downward longwave radiation flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Net longwave radiation flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Surface air pressure GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Specific humidity GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Heat flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Snow melt GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Downward shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Snow depth GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Snow Surface temperature GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Profile soil moisture GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Surface soil moisture GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Net shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Transpiration GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Terrestrial water storage GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_CLSM025_D v2.0 |
Albedo GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Average Surface Skin temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Direct Evaporation from Bare Soil GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Downward long-wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Net long-wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Potential evaporation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Pressure GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Specific humidity GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Ground heat flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Snow melt GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Downward short-wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Snow depth GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Net short wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Transpiration GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.0 |
Albedo GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Average surface skin temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Direct evaporation from bare soil GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Downward longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Net longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Potential evaporation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Surface air pressure GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Specific humidity GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Ground heat flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Snow melt GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Downward shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Snow depth GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Net shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Transpiration GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_NOAH025_3H v2.1 |
Albedo GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Average Surface Skin temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Direct Evaporation from Bare Soil GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Downward long-wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Net long-wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Potential evaporation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Surface pressure GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Specific humidity GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Ground heat flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Snow melt GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Downward short-wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Snow depth GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Soil temperature (40 -100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Net short wave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Transpiration GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.0 |
Albedo GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Average surface skin temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Direct evaporation from bare soil GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Downward longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Net longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Potential evaporation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Surface air pressure GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Specific humidity GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Ground heat flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Snow melt GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Downward shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Snow depth GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Net shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Transpiration GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_NOAH025_M v2.1 |
Albedo GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Average Surface Skin temperature GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Direct Evaporation from Bare Soil GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Downward longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Net longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Potential evaporation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Surface pressure GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Specific humidity GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Ground heat flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Downward shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Net shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Transpiration GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.0 |
Albedo GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Average surface skin temperature GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Plant canopy surface water GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Canopy water evaporation GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Direct evaporation from bare soil GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Evapotranspiration GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Downward longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Net longwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Potential evaporation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Surface air pressure GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Specific humidity GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Ground heat flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Sensible heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Latent heat net flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Storm surface runoff GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Baseflow-groundwater runoff GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Snow melt GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Total precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Rain precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Root zone soil moisture GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Snow depth water equivalent GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Downward shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Snow depth GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Snow precipitation rate GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Net shortwave radiation flux GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Near surface air temperature GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Transpiration GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
Near surface wind speed GLDAS_NOAH10_M v2.1 |
precipitation GPCPDAY v3.1 |
probability of liquid precipitation GPCPDAY v3.1 |
Precipitation GPCPDAY v3.2 |
Probability of liquid phase GPCPDAY v3.2 |
Wind-loss adjusted gauge precipitation GPCPMON v3.1 |
Gauge relative weighting GPCPMON v3.1 |
Probability of liquid precipitation GPCPMON v3.1 |
Quality index GPCPMON v3.1 |
Combined satellite-gauge precipitation random error GPCPMON v3.1 |
Combined satellite-gauge precipitation GPCPMON v3.1 |
Multisatellite precipitation GPCPMON v3.1 |
Satellite source index GPCPMON v3.1 |
Wind-loss adjusted gauge precipitation GPCPMON v3.2 |
Gauge relative weighting GPCPMON v3.2 |
Probability of liquid phase GPCPMON v3.2 |
Quality index GPCPMON v3.2 |
Combined satellite-gauge precipitation random error GPCPMON v3.2 |
Combined satellite-gauge precipitation GPCPMON v3.2 |
Multisatellite precipitation GPCPMON v3.2 |
Satellite source index GPCPMON v3.2 |
Daily mean precipitation rate (combined microwave-IR) estimate - Early Run GPM_3IMERGDE v07 |
Daily mean precipitation rate (combined microwave-IR) estimate - Final Run GPM_3IMERGDF v07 |
Daily mean precipitation rate (combined microwave-IR) estimate - Late Run GPM_3IMERGDL v07 |
Multi-satellite precipitation estimate with climatological gauge calibration - Early Run GPM_3IMERGHHE v07 |
Random Error for multi-satellite precipitation with climatological gauge calibration - Early Run GPM_3IMERGHHE v07 |
Multi-satellite precipitation estimate with climatological gauge calibration - Late Run GPM_3IMERGHHL v07 |
Random Error for multi-satellite precipitation with climatological gauge calibration - Late Run GPM_3IMERGHHL v07 |
Multi-satellite precipitation estimate with gauge calibration - Final Run (recommended for general use) GPM_3IMERGHH v07 |
Quality Index for precipitation field - Final Run GPM_3IMERGHH v07 |
Probability of liquid phase - Final Run GPM_3IMERGHH v07 |
Random error for gauge-calibrated multi-satellite precipitation - Final Run GPM_3IMERGHH v07 |
Merged satellite-gauge precipitation estimate - Final Run (recommended for general use) GPM_3IMERGM v07 |
Quality Index for precipitation field - Final Run GPM_3IMERGM v07 |
Accumulation-weighted probability of liquid phase - Final Run GPM_3IMERGM v07 |
Random error for merged satellite-gauge precipitation - Final Run GPM_3IMERGM v07 |
Groundwater storage percentile GRACEDADM_CLSM0125US_7D v4.0 |
Root zone soil moisture percentile GRACEDADM_CLSM0125US_7D v4.0 |
Surface soil moisture percentile GRACEDADM_CLSM0125US_7D v4.0 |
Groundwater storage percentile GRACEDADM_CLSM025GL_7D v3.0 |
Root zone soil moisture percentile GRACEDADM_CLSM025GL_7D v3.0 |
Surface soil moisture percentile GRACEDADM_CLSM025GL_7D v3.0 |
Latent Heat Flux GSSTFM v3 |
Sensible Heat Flux GSSTFM v3 |
Wind Stress Magnitude GSSTFM v3 |
Wind Stress Vector GSSTFM v3 |
Volumetric Soil Moisture from 6.9 GHZ LPRM_AMSR2_A_SOILM3 v001 |
Volumetric Soil Moisture from 6.9 GHZ LPRM_AMSR2_DS_A_SOILM3 v001 |
Volumetric Soil Moisture from 6.9 GHZ LPRM_AMSR2_DS_D_SOILM3 v001 |
Volumetric Soil Moisture from 6.9 GHZ LPRM_AMSR2_D_SOILM3 v001 |
Optical Depth from LPRM AMSRE C-band Ascending LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002 |
Optical Depth from LPRM AMSRE X-band Ascending LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002 |
Soil moisture uncertainty of LPRM AMSRE C-band LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002 |
Soil moisture uncertainty of LPRM AMSRE X-band LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002 |
Soil Moisture, Volumetric, from LPRM AMSRE C-band Ascending LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002 |
Soil Moisture, Volumetric, from LPRM AMSRE X-band Ascending LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002 |
Skin Temperature (2mm) from LPRM AMSRE Ascending LPRM_AMSRE_A_SOILM3 v002 |
Optical Depth from LPRM AMSRE C-band Descending LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002 |
Optical Depth from LPRM AMSRE X-band Descending LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002 |
Soil moisture uncertainty of LPRM AMSRE C-band LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002 |
Soil moisture uncertainty of LPRM AMSRE X-band LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002 |
Soil Moisture, Volumetric, from LPRM AMSRE C-band Descending LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002 |
Soil Moisture, Volumetric, from LPRM AMSRE X-band Descending LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002 |
Skin Temperature (2mm) from LPRM AMSRE Descending LPRM_AMSRE_D_SOILM3 v002 |
Optical Depth from LPRM/TMI/TRMM X-band Day LPRM_TMI_DY_SOILM3 v001 |
Uncertainty of Soil moisture in LPRM/TMI/TRMM X-band Day LPRM_TMI_DY_SOILM3 v001 |
Soil Moisture, Volumetric, from LPRM/TMI/TRMM X-band Day LPRM_TMI_DY_SOILM3 v001 |
Skin Temperature (2mm) from LPRM/TMI/TRMM Day LPRM_TMI_DY_SOILM3 v001 |
Optical Depth from LPRM/TMI/TRMM X-band Night LPRM_TMI_NT_SOILM3 v001 |
Uncertainty of Soil moisture in LPRM /TMI/TRMM X-band Night LPRM_TMI_NT_SOILM3 v001 |
Volumetric Soil Moisture from LPRM/TMI/TRMM X-band Night LPRM_TMI_NT_SOILM3 v001 |
Skin Temperature (2mm) from LPRM/TMI/TRMM Night LPRM_TMI_NT_SOILM3 v001 |
Total precipitable water vapor, Instantaneous M2I1NXINT v5.12.4 |
Surface specific humidity, Instantaneous M2I1NXLFO v5.12.4 |
Surface wind speed, Instantaneous M2I1NXLFO v5.12.4 |
Surface air temperature over land, Instantaneous M2I1NXLFO v5.12.4 |
Surface pressure M2IMNPANA v5.12.4 |
Sea level pressure M2IMNPANA v5.12.4 |
Surface geopotential height M2IMNPASM v5.12.4 |
Surface pressure M2IMNPASM v5.12.4 |
Sea level pressure M2IMNPASM v5.12.4 |
Zero plane displacement height M2IMNXASM v5.12.4 |
10-meter specific humidity M2IMNXASM v5.12.4 |
2-meter specific humidity M2IMNXASM v5.12.4 |
10-meter air temperature M2IMNXASM v5.12.4 |
2-meter air temperature M2IMNXASM v5.12.4 |
Total column ozone M2IMNXASM v5.12.4 |
Tropopause pressure based on blended estimate M2IMNXASM v5.12.4 |
Tropopause pressure based on thermal estimate M2IMNXASM v5.12.4 |
Tropopause pressure based on EPV estimate M2IMNXASM v5.12.4 |
Tropopause specific humidity using blended TROPP estimate M2IMNXASM v5.12.4 |
Tropopause temperature using blended TROPP estimate M2IMNXASM v5.12.4 |
Aerosol Optical Depth Analysis M2IMNXGAS v5.12.4 |
Aerosol Optical Depth Analysis Increment M2IMNXGAS v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated enthalpy M2IMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy M2IMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Atmospheric mass M2IMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated virtual potential temperature M2IMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Total column odd oxygen M2IMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Total precipitable ice water M2IMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Total precipitable liquid water M2IMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Total precipitable water vapor M2IMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Surface layer height M2IMNXLFO v5.12.4 |
Surface pressure M2IMNXLFO v5.12.4 |
Surface specific humidity M2IMNXLFO v5.12.4 |
Surface wind speed M2IMNXLFO v5.12.4 |
Surface air temperature M2IMNXLFO v5.12.4 |
2-meter air temperature - daily max M2SDNXSLV v5.12.4 |
2-meter air temperature - daily mean M2SDNXSLV v5.12.4 |
2-meter air temperature - daily min M2SDNXSLV v5.12.4 |
consecutive dry days (maximum number of consecutive days when precipitation < 1 mm) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
cold spell duration index (count when at least 6 consecutive days of min 2-m temperature < 10th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
consecutive wet days (maximum number of consecutive days when precipitation >= 1 mm) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
diurnal 2-m temperature range M2SMNXEDI v2 |
Frost Days (count of days when daily minimum 2 m temperature is less than 0 degrees C) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
Heatwave Amplitude (daily mean 2-m temperature on hottest day satisfying the heatwave criteria of at least three consecutive days above the 90th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
Heatwave Duration (length of the longest number of consecutive days satisfying the heatwave criteria of at least three consecutive days above the 90th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
Heatwave Frequency (count of days satisfying the heatwave criteria of at least three consecutive days above the 90th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
Heatwave Magnitude (average 2-m temperature anomaly on days satisfying the heatwave criteria of at least three consecutive days above the 90th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
Heatwave Number (count of events satisfying the heatwave criteria of at least three consecutive days above the 90th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
Icing Days (count of days when daily maximum 2 m temperature is less than 0 degrees C) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
length of longest cold spell of at least 6 consecutive days below the 10th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2 |
length of longest warm spell of at least 6 consecutive days above the 90th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2 |
count of days with at least 10 mm of precipitation M2SMNXEDI v2 |
count of days with at least 20 mm of precipitation M2SMNXEDI v2 |
count of days with precipitation > 90th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2 |
total precipitation from days > 90th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2 |
count of days with precipitation > 95th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2 |
total precipitation from days > 95th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2 |
count of days with precipitation > 99th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2 |
total precipitation from days > 99th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2 |
maximum one day precipitation amount M2SMNXEDI v2 |
highest precipitation amount for a five-day interval M2SMNXEDI v2 |
count of heavy precipitation periods >= 50 mm within a five-day interval M2SMNXEDI v2 |
Simple Daily precipitation Intensity Index (ratio of total precipitation to the number of wet days) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
Summer Days (count of days when daily maximum 2 m temperature is greater than 25 degrees C) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
percentage of time when daily min 2-m temperature < 10th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2 |
percentage of time when daily min 2-m temperature > 90th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2 |
Tropical Nights (count of days when daily minimum 2 m temperature is greater than 20 degrees C) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
percentage of time when daily max 2-m temperature < 10th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2 |
percentage of time when daily max 2-m temperature > 90th percentile M2SMNXEDI v2 |
warm spell duration index (count when at least 6 consecutive days of max 2-m temperature > 90th percentile) M2SMNXEDI v2 |
count of days with < 1 mm of precipitation M2SMNXEDI v2 |
count of days with precipitation >= 1 mm M2SMNXEDI v2 |
Percentile for total_precipitation M2SMNXPCT v2 |
Percentile for maximum 2-meter air temperature M2SMNXPCT v2 |
Percentile for mean 2-meter_air_temperature M2SMNXPCT v2 |
Percentile for minimum 2-meter_air_temperature M2SMNXPCT v2 |
2-meter air temperature - daily max M2SMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
2-meter air temperature - daily mean M2SMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
2-meter air temperature - daily min M2SMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Dust Scattering AOT 550 nm - PM 1.0 um, time averaged M2T1NXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Column Mass Density, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Surface Mass Concentration, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Column Mass Density, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Column Mass Density - PM 2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Extinction AOT 550 nm - PM 2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Extinction AOT 550 nm, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Surface Mass Concentration, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Surface Mass Concentration - PM 2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE), time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE), time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
SO2 Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE), time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
SO2 Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE) , time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
SO4 Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE), time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
SO4 Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE), time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Column Mass Density - PM 2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Surface Mass Concentration - PM 2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Total Aerosol Angstrom parameter (470-870 nm), time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Total Column Mass Density - PM2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Total Aerosol Extinction AOT 550 nm, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Total Aerosol Scattering AOT 550 nm, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Total Surface Mass Concentration - PM2.5, time average M2T1NXAER v5.12.4 |
Total latent energy flux, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4 |
Evaporation from turbulence, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4 |
Sensible heat flux from turbulence, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4 |
Total surface precipitation, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4 |
Bias corrected total surface precipitation, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface wind speed, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface wind maximum speed M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface eastward wind, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface northward wind, time average M2T1NXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface absorbed longwave radiation, time average M2T1NXLFO v5.12.4 |
Incident shortwave radiation land, time average M2T1NXLFO v5.12.4 |
Surface soil wetness, time average M2T1NXLND v5.12.4 |
Surface albedo, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface albedo for near infrared diffuse, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface albedo for visible diffuse, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4 |
Cloud area fraction for high clouds, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4 |
Cloud area fraction for low clouds, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4 |
Cloud area fraction for middle clouds, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4 |
Total cloud area fraction, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface emissivity, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface incoming shortwave flux, time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface incoming shortwave flux (clear sky), time average M2T1NXRAD v5.12.4 |
Cloud top pressure, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4 |
Cloud top temperature, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4 |
Sea level pressure, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4 |
Total column ozone, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4 |
Total precipitable water vapor, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4 |
Surface skin temperature, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4 |
10-meter Eastward wind, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4 |
50-meter eastward wind, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4 |
10-meter Northward wind, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4 |
50-meter northward wind, time average M2T1NXSLV v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Dry Deposition Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Dry Deposition Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Emission Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Emission Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Anthropogenic Emissions M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Biomass Burning Emissions M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Biofuel Emissions M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Hydrophobic to Hydrophilic M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Sedimentation Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Sedimentation Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Convective Scavenging Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Convective Scavenging Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Wet Deposition Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Wet Deposition Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust TOMS UV Aerosol Index M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Dry Deposition Bin-1 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Dry Deposition Bin-2 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Dry Deposition Bin-3 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Dry Deposition Bin-4 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Dry Deposition Bin-5 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Dry Deposition Bin-all M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Dry+Wet Deposition Bin-all M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Emission Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Emission Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Emission Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Emission Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Emission Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Extinction AOT 550 nm - PM 1.0 um M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Scattering AOT 550 nm - PM 1.0 um M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Sedimentation Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Sedimentation Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Sedimentation Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Sedimentation Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Sedimentation Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Convective Scavenging Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Convective Scavenging Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Convective Scavenging Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Convective Scavenging Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Convective Scavenging Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Wet Deposition Bin-1 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Wet Deposition Bin-2 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Wet Deposition Bin-3 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Wet Deposition Bin-4 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Wet Deposition Bin-5 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Dust Wet Deposition Bin-all M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Dry Deposition Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Dry Deposition Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Emission Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Emission Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Anthropogenic Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Biomass Burning Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Biofuel Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Biogenic Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Hydrophobic to Hydrophilic _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Sedimentation Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Sedimentation Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Convective Scavenging Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Convective Scavenging Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Wet Deposition Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Wet Deposition Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
SO2 Anthropogenic Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
SO2 Biomass Burning Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
SO2 Volcanic (explosive) Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
SO2 Volcanic (non-explosive) Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
SO4 Anthropogenic Emissions _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt TOMS UV Aerosol Index M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Dry Deposition Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Dry Deposition Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Dry Deposition Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Dry Deposition Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Dry Deposition Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Emission Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Emission Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Emission Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Emission Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Emission Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Extinction AOT 550 nm - PM 1.0 um M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Scattering AOT 550 nm - PM 1.0 um M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Sedimentation Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Sedimentation Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Sedimentation Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Sedimentation Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Sedimentation Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Convective Scavenging Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Convective Scavenging Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Convective Scavenging Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Convective Scavenging Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Convective Scavenging Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Wet Deposition Bin 001 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Wet Deposition Bin 002 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Wet Deposition Bin 003 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Wet Deposition Bin 004 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Wet Deposition Bin 005 M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Dry Deposition Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Dry Deposition Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Dry Deposition Bin 003 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Dry Deposition Bin 004 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Emission Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Emission Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Emission Bin 003 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Emission Bin 004 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
MSA Prod from DMS Oxidation, column _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
SO2 Prod from DMS Oxidation, column _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
SO4 Prod from Aqueous SO2 Oxidation, column _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
SO4 Prod from Gaseous SO2 Oxidation, column _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
SO4 Prod from Aqueous SO2 Oxidation (wet dep), column _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Settling Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Settling Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Settling Bin 003 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Settling Bin 004 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Convective Scavenging Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Convective Scavenging Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Convective Scavenging Bin 003 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Convective Scavenging Bin 004 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Wet Deposition Bin 001 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Wet Deposition Bin 002 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Wet Deposition Bin 003 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Sulfate Wet Deposition Bin 004 _ENSEMBLE_ M2TMNXADG v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Angstrom parameter 470-870 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Column Mass Density M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Extinction AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon column u-wind mass flux M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon column v-wind mass flux M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Scattering AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Black Carbon Surface Mass Concentration M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
DMS Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
DMS Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Angstrom parameter 470-870 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Column Mass Density M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Column Mass Density - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Extinction AOT 550 nm - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Extinction AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust column u-wind mass flux M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust column v-wind mass flux M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Scattering AOT 550 nm - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Scattering AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Surface Mass Concentration M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Dust Surface Mass Concentration - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Angstrom parameter 470-870 nm (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Extinction AOT 550 nm (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon column u-wind mass flux (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon column v-wind mass flux (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Scattering AOT 550 nm (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Organic Carbon Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
SO2 Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
SO2 Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
SO4 Column Mass Density (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
SO4 Surface Mass Concentration (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Angstrom parameter 470-870 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Column Mass Density M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Column Mass Density - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Extinction AOT 550 nm - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Extinction AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt column u-wind mass flux M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt column v-wind mass flux M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Scattering AOT 550 nm - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Scattering AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Surface Mass Concentration M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Sea Salt Surface Mass Concentration - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
SO4 Angstrom parameter 470-870 nm (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
SO4 Extinction AOT 550 nm (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
SO4 column u-wind mass flux (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
SO4 column v-wind mass flux (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
SO4 Scattering AOT 550 nm (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Total Aerosol Angstrom parameter (470-870 nm) M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Total Column Mass Density - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Total Aerosol Extinction AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Total Aerosol Scattering AOT 550 nm M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
Total Surface Mass Concentration - PM 2.5 M2TMNXAER v5.12.4 |
CO Column Burden (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXCHM v5.12.4 |
CO Emission (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXCHM v5.12.4 |
CO Chemical Loss (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXCHM v5.12.4 |
CO Chemical Production (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXCHM v5.12.4 |
CO Surface Concentration (ENSEMBLE) M2TMNXCHM v5.12.4 |
Total column ozone M2TMNXCHM v5.12.4 |
ISCCP cloud albedo M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
ISCCP total cloud area fraction M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS cloud fraction water mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS cloud fraction high mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS cloud fraction ice mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS cloud fraction low mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS cloud fraction mid mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS cloud fraction total mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS cloud particle size water mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS cloud particle size ice mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS cloud top pressure total mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS liquid water path mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS ice water path mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS optical thickness water mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS optical thickness water logmean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS optical thickness ice mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS optical thickness ice logmean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS optical thickness total mean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
MODIS optical thickness total logmean M2TMNXCSP v5.12.4 |
Surface bouyancy scale M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface exchange coefficient for heat M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface exchange coefficient for momentum M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface exchange coefficient for moisture M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface neutral drag coefficient M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Zero plane displacement height M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Total latent energy flux M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Evaporation from turbulence M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Areal fraction of anvil showers M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Areal fraction of convective showers M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Areal fraction of nonanvil large scale showers M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Sea-ice covered fraction of tile M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Ground heating for skin temperature M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Sensible heat flux from turbulence M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface layer height M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface downwelling near infrared diffuse flux M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface downwelling near infrared beam flux M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Planetary boundary layer height M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Total column production of precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Anvil precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Convective precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Nonanvil large scale precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Snowfall M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Total surface precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Bias corrected total surface precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Total column re-evap/subl of precipitation M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface specific humidity M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Effective surface specific humidity M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface moisture scale M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Air density at surface M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface bulk richardson number M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface wind speed M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface maximum wind speed (mean of hourly maximum) M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface eastward gravity wave stress M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface northward gravity wave stress M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Eastward surface stress M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Northward surface stress M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Transcom planetary boundary layer height M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface air temperature M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Effective surface skin temperature M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface temperature scale M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface eastward wind M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface wind velocity scale M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface northward wind M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface roughness for heat M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Surface roughness M2TMNXFLX v5.12.4 |
Fractional area of glaciated surface snowcover M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4 |
Runoff flux M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4 |
Aggregated snow ice broadband albedo M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4 |
Snow mass over glaciated surface M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4 |
Snow depth over glaciated surface M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4 |
Total snow mass residual due to densification M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4 |
Top snow layer mass change due to sub con M2TMNXGLC v5.12.4 |
Autoconversion loss of cloud water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy residual for BKG energy conservation M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Accretion loss of cloud water to rain M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Accretion loss of cloud water to snow M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Convective source of cloud ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Convective source of cloud water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Convective production of rain water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Total potential energy tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency due to gravity wave background M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency due to cumulus friction M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency due to friction M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency across gwd M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency across moist M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency due to orographic gravity waves M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Total potential energy tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency across radiation M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency due to Rayleigh friction M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated cpt tendency residual M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated potential energy tendency across turbulence M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Total kinetic energy tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy dissipation due to gravity wave background M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy tendency across gwd M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy residual for total energy conservation M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy dissipation due to diffusion M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy tendency across moist M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy dissipation due to orographic gravity waves M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy tendency across physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy dissipation due to Rayleigh friction M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy dissipation due to surface friction M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy dissipation due to topographic friction M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated kinetic energy tendency across turbulence M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated mass tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated mass tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated mass tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated ozone tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated odd oxygen tendency due to chemistry M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated ozone tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated ox adjustment from filling M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated odd oxygen tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Mountain work tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Mountain work tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Mountain work tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated ice water tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated ice water tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated qi adjustment from filling M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated ice tendency due to moist processes M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated ice tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated liquid water tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated liquid water tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated ql adjustment from filling M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated liquid water tendency due to moist processes M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated liquid water tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated water vapor tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated water vapor tendency due to chemistry M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated water vapor tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated qv adjustment from filling M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated water vapor tendency due to moist processes M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated water vapor tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated water vapor tendency due to turbulence M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated THV tendency due to analysis M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated THV tendency due to dynamics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically integrated THV tendency due to physics M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Evaporation from turbulence M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Evaporation loss of cloud water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Evaporation loss of precip water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Net freezing of cloud condensate M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Net freezing of precip condensate M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Sensible heat flux from turbulence M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Statistical source of cloud ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Statistical source of cloud water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Spurious rain from RH cleanup M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Surface net downward longwave flux M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Upwelling longwave flux at toa M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Convective rainfall M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Large scale rainfall M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Snowfall M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Vertically Integrated total water adjustment from filling M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Sedimentation loss of cloud ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Sublimation loss of cloud ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Sublimation loss of precip ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Surface net downward shortwave flux M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
TOA net downward shortwave flux M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Eastward flux of atmospheric enthalpy M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Eastward flux of atmospheric kinetic energy M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Eastward flux of atmospheric potential energy M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Eastward flux of atmospheric ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Eastward flux of atmospheric liquid water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Eastward flux of atmospheric water vapor M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Northward flux of atmospheric enthalpy M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Northward flux of atmospheric kinetic energy M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Northward flux of atmospheric potential energy M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Northward flux of atmospheric ice M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Northward flux of atmospheric liquid water M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Northward flux of atmospheric water vapor M2TMNXINT v5.12.4 |
Surface absorbed longwave radiation M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4 |
Surface downwelling par diffuse flux M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4 |
Surface downwelling par beam flux M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4 |
Liquid water convective precipitation M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4 |
Liquid water large scale precipitation M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4 |
Snowfall M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4 |
Incident shortwave land M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4 |
Net shortwave land M2TMNXLFO v5.12.4 |
Baseflow flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Rate of change of total land energy M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Evaporation land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Interception loss energy flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Snow ice evaporation energy flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Baresoil evaporation energy flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Transpiration energy flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Fractional area of saturated zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Fractional area of land snowcover M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Fractional area of unsaturated zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Fractional area of wilting zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Ground heating land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Average profile soil moisture M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Root zone soil wetness M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Surface soil wetness M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Latent heat flux over land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Net longwave land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Surface downwelling par diffuse flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Surface downwelling par beam flux M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Snowfall land, bias corrected M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Total precipitation land, bias corrected M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Soil Water profile M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Soil water infiltration rate M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Overland runoff including throughflow M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Soil Water root zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Soil Water surface layer M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Sensible heat flux over land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Snowmelt flux land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Snow depth M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Total snow storage land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Rate of spurious land energy source M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Rate of spurious snow energy M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Rate of spurious land water source M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Net shortwave land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Total energy storage land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Surface temperature of snow M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Surface temperature of saturated zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Soil temperatures layer_1 M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Soil temperatures layer_2 M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Soil temperatures layer_3 M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Soil temperatures layer_4 M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Soil temperatures layer_5 M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Soil temperatures layer_6 M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Surface temperature of land include snow M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Surface temperature of unsaturated zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Available water storage land M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Surface temperature of wilted zone M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Rate of change of total land water M2TMNXLND v5.12.4 |
Sea ice latent energy flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Open water latent energy flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
ice covered fraction of tile (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Sea ice upward sensible heat flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Open water upward sensible heat flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Sea ice net downward longwave flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Open water net downward longwave flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Ocean snowfall (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
10 meter specific humidity M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
ocean rainfall (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Sea ice net downward shortwave flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Open water net downward shortwave flux (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
10 meter air temperature M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Eastward stress over ice (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Eastward stress over water (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Northward stress over ice (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Northward stress over water (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Sea ice skin temperature (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Open water skin temperature (marine regions) M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
10 meter eastward wind M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
10 meter northward wind M2TMNXOCN v5.12.4 |
Surface albedo M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface albedo for near infrared diffuse M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface albedo for near infrared beam M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface albedo for visible diffuse M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface albedo for visible beam M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Cloud area fraction for high clouds M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Cloud area fraction for low clouds M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Cloud area fraction for middle clouds M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Total cloud area fraction M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface emissivity M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface absorbed longwave radiation M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface absorbed longwave radiation assuming clear sky M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface absorbed longwave radiation assuming clear sky and no aerosol M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Longwave flux emitted from surface M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface net downward longwave flux M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface net downward longwave flux assuming clear sky M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface net downward longwave flux assuming clear sky and no aerosol M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Upwelling longwave flux at toa M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Upwelling longwave flux at toa (clear-sky) M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Upwelling longwave flux at toa (clear sky and no aerosol) M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface incoming shortwave flux M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface incoming shortwave flux (clear sky) M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface net downward shortwave flux M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface net downward shortwave flux assuming no aerosol M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Surface net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky and no aerosol M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Toa incoming shortwave flux M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Toa net downward shortwave flux M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Toa net downward shortwave flux assuming no aerosol M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Toa net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Toa net downward shortwave flux assuming clear sky and no aerosol M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
In cloud optical thickness of high clouds(EXPORT) M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
In cloud optical thickness of low clouds M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
In cloud optical thickness of middle clouds M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
In cloud optical thickness of all clouds M2TMNXRAD v5.12.4 |
Cloud top pressure M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Cloud top temperature M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Zero plane displacement height M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Geopotential height at 1000 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Geopotential height at 250 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Geopotential height at 500 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Geopotential height at 850 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Omega at 500 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Planetary boundary layer top pressure M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Surface pressure M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Specific humidity at 250 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Specific humidity at 500 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Specific humidity at 850 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
10-meter specific humidity M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
2-meter specific humidity M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Sea level pressure M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
10-meter air temperature M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Air temperature at 250 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
2-meter air temperature M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
2-meter dew point temperature M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
2-meter wet bulb temperature M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Air temperature at 500 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Air temperature at 850 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Total column ozone M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Total column odd oxygen M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Total precipitable ice water M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Total precipitable liquid water M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Total precipitable water vapor M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Tropopause pressure - blended estimate M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Tropopause pressure based on thermal estimate M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Tropopause pressure based on EPV estimate M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Tropopause specific humidity using blended TROPP estimate M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Tropopause temperature using blended TROPP estimate M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Surface skin temperature M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
10-meter eastward wind M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Eastward wind at 250 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
2-meter eastward wind M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Eastward wind at 500 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Eastward wind at 50-meters M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Eastward wind at 850 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
10-meter northward wind M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Northward wind at 250 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
2-meter northward wind M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Northward wind at 500 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Northward wind at 50-meters M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Northward wind at 850 hPa M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Lifting condensation level M2TMNXSLV v5.12.4 |
Bias corrected surface total PM2.5 mass concentration - all quality levels MERRA2_CNN_HAQAST_PM25 v1 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 555 nm MIL3DAE v4 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 555 nm MIL3MAE v4 |
Combined Dark Target and Deep Blue AOD at 0.55 micron for land and ocean: Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Dark Target) MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Scattering Angle: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) 440 to 10mb (previously 700 to 300mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Surface to 680mb (previously Surface to 920mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Total Column: Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cirrus Reflectance: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Ice Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Liquid Water Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Day: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Night: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Combined Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Ice Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Liquid Water Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Pressure: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Temperature: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Ice Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Liquid Water Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Deep Blue, Land-only) MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Deep Blue Angstrom Exponent for land (0.412-0.47 micron): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Water vapor near infrared - clear column (bright land and ocean sunglint only): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Water vapor near infrared - cloudy column: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_D3 v6.1 |
Combined Dark Target and Deep Blue AOD at 0.55 micron for land and ocean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Dark Target) MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Scattering Angle: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) 440 to 10mb (previously 700 to 300mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Surface to 680mb (previously Surface to 920mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Total Column: Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cirrus Reflectance: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Ice Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Liquid Water Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Day: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Night: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Combined Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Ice Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Liquid Water Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Pressure: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Temperature: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Ice Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Liquid Water Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Deep Blue, Land-only) MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Deep Blue Angstrom Exponent for land (0.412-0.47 micron): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Water vapor near infrared - clear column (bright land and ocean sunglint only): Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Water vapor near infrared - cloudy column: Mean of Daily Mean MOD08_M3 v6.1 |
Chlorophyll a concentration (water only) MODISA_L3m_CHL_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Chlorophyll a concentration (water only) MODISA_L3m_CHL vR2022.0 |
Normalized Fluorescence Line Height (water only) MODISA_L3m_FLH_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Normalized Fluorescence Line Height (water only) MODISA_L3m_FLH vR2022.0 |
Absorption due to gelbstoff and detrital material at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) MODISA_L3m_IOP_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Absorption due to phytoplankton at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) MODISA_L3m_IOP_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Particulate backscattering at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) MODISA_L3m_IOP_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Absorption due to gelbstoff and detrital material at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) MODISA_L3m_IOP vR2022.0 |
Absorption due to phytoplankton at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) MODISA_L3m_IOP vR2022.0 |
Particulate backscattering at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) MODISA_L3m_IOP vR2022.0 |
Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm, KD2 algorithm (water only) MODISA_L3m_KD_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm, KD2 algorithm (water only) MODISA_L3m_KD vR2022.0 |
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_NSST_8d_4km vR2019.0 |
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_NSST_8d_9km vR2019.0 |
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_NSST_Monthly_4km vR2019.0 |
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_NSST_Monthly_9km vR2019.0 |
Photosynthetically Available Radiation, R. Frouin (water only) MODISA_L3m_PAR_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Photosynthetically Available Radiation, R. Frouin (water only) MODISA_L3m_PAR vR2022.0 |
Calcite Concentration, Balch and Gordon (water only) MODISA_L3m_PIC_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Calcite Concentration, Balch and Gordon (water only) MODISA_L3m_PIC vR2022.0 |
Particulate Organic Carbon, D. Stramski, 2007 (443/555 version) (water only) MODISA_L3m_POC_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Particulate Organic Carbon, D. Stramski, 2007 (443/555 version) (water only) MODISA_L3m_POC vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 412 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 443 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 469 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 488 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 531 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 547 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 555 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 645 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 667 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 678 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS_8d_4km vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 412 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 443 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 469 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 488 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 531 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 547 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 555 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 645 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 667 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 678 nm (water only) MODISA_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Sea Surface Temperature at 4 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST4_8d_4km vR2019.0 |
Sea Surface Temperature at 4 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST4_8d_9km vR2019.0 |
Sea Surface Temperature at 4 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST4_Monthly_4km vR2019.0 |
Sea Surface Temperature at 4 microns (Night) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST4_Monthly_9km vR2019.0 |
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Day) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST_8d_4km vR2019.0 |
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Day) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST_8d_9km vR2019.0 |
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Day) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST_Monthly_4km vR2019.0 |
Sea Surface Temperature at 11 microns (Day) (water only) MODISA_L3m_SST_Monthly_9km vR2019.0 |
Retrieved CO Surface Mixing Ratio Day MOP03JM v9 |
Retrieved CO Total Column Day MOP03JM v9 |
Retrieved CO Surface Mixing Ratio Day MOP03TM v9 |
Retrieved CO Surface Mixing Ratio Night MOP03TM v9 |
Retrieved CO Total Column Day MOP03TM v9 |
Retrieved CO Total Column Night MOP03TM v9 |
Combined Dark Target and Deep Blue AOD at 0.55 micron for land and ocean: Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Dark Target) MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Scattering Angle: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) 440 to 10mb (previously 700 to 300mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Surface to 680mb (previously Surface to 920mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Total Column: Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cirrus Reflectance: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Ice Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Liquid Water Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Day: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Night: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Combined Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Ice Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Liquid Water Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Pressure: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Temperature: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Ice Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Liquid Water Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Deep Blue, Land-only) MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Deep Blue Angstrom Exponent for land (0.412-0.47 micron): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Water vapor near infrared - clear column (bright land and ocean sunglint only): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Water vapor near infrared - cloudy column: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_D3 v6.1 |
Combined Dark Target and Deep Blue AOD at 0.55 micron for land and ocean: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Aerosol Optical Thickness at 0.55 microns for both Ocean (best) and Land (corrected): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Scattering Angle: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) 440 to 10mb (previously 700 to 300mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Surface to 680mb (previously Surface to 920mb in C51): Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Precipitable Water Vapor (IR Retrieval) Total Column: Mean of Level-3 QA Weighted Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cirrus Reflectance: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Ice Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Liquid Water Cloud Effective Particle Radius: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Day: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Fraction from Cloud Mask (count of lowest 2 clear sky confidence levels, cloudy & probably cloudy / total count) Night: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Combined Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Ice Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Liquid Water Cloud Optical Thickness: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Pressure: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Pressure (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Temperature: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Day): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Cloud Top Temperature (Night): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Ice Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Liquid Water Cloud Water Path: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Deep Blue, Land-only) MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Deep Blue Angstrom Exponent for land (0.412-0.47 micron): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Water vapor near infrared - clear column (bright land and ocean sunglint only): Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Water vapor near infrared - cloudy column: Mean of Daily Mean MYD08_M3 v6.1 |
Evapotranspiration NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Flooded area NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Flooded fraction NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Irrigated water rate NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Downward longwave radiation flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Net longwave radiation flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Potential evaporation rate NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Near surface air pressure NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Specific humidity NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Ground heat flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Sensible heat net flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Latent heat net flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Storm surface runoff NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Baseflow-groundwater runoff NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Rain precipitation rate NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Total precipitation rate NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Snow depth water equivalent NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Downward shortwave radiation flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Net shortwave radiation flux NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Snow precipitation rate NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0 - 10 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (100 - 200 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (10 - 40 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (40 - 100 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Soil temperature (0 - 10 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Soil temperature (100 - 200 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Soil temperature (10 - 40 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Soil temperature (40 - 100 cm underground) NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Streamflow NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Near surface air temperature NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Daily maximum air temperature NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Daily minimum air temperature NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Wind speed NCALDAS_NOAH0125_D v2.0 |
Convective Available Potential Energy NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0 |
Fraction of total precipitation that is convective NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0 |
Longwave radiation flux downwards (surface) NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0 |
Surface pressure NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0 |
Potential evaporation NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0 |
2-meter above ground Specific humidity NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0 |
Total precipitation NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0 |
Shortwave radiation flux downwards (surface) NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0 |
2-meter above ground Temperature NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0 |
10-meter above ground Zonal wind speed NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0 |
10-meter above ground Meridional wind speed NLDAS_FORA0125_H v2.0 |
Convective Available Potential Energy NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0 |
Convective Precipitation NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0 |
Longwave radiation flux downwards (surface) NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0 |
Surface pressure NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0 |
Potential evaporation NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0 |
Specific humidity (2-meter above ground) NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0 |
Total precipitation NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0 |
Shortwave radiation flux downwards (surface) NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0 |
Air Temperature (2-meter above ground) NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0 |
Wind speed (10-meter above ground Zonal wind) NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0 |
Wind speed (10-m above ground Meridional wind) NLDAS_FORA0125_M v2.0 |
Total evapotranspiration NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0 |
Ground heat flux NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0 |
Sensible heat flux NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0 |
Latent heat flux NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0 |
Surface runoff (non-infiltrating) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0 |
Subsurface runoff (baseflow) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0-100cm) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0-10cm) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0-200cm) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (10-40cm) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (40-200cm) NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0 |
Soil temperature NLDAS_MOS0125_H v2.0 |
Surface albedo NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Average surface skin temperature NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Plant canopy surface water NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Canopy water evaporation NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Direct evaporation from bare soil NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Total evapotranspiration NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Longwave radiation flux downwards (surface) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Net longwave radiation flux (surface) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Potential evapotranspiration NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Snow phase-change heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Ground heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Sensible heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Latent heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Surface runoff (non-infiltrating) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Subsurface runoff (baseflow) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Snowmelt NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Liquid precipitation (rainfall) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Root zone soil moisture NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture availability (0-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture availability (0-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Liquid soil moisture content (0-10cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Liquid soil moisture content (100-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Liquid soil moisture content (10-40cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Liquid soil moisture content (40-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Snow Water Equivalent NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Shortwave radiation flux downwards (surface) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Net shortwave radiation flux (surface) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Snow depth NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Snow cover NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Frozen precipitation (snowfall) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0-10cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (100-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (10-40cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (40-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Soil temperature (0-10cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Soil temperature (100-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Soil temperature (10-40cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Soil temperature (40-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Streamflow NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Sublimation (evaporation from snow) NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Transpiration NLDAS_NOAH0125_H v2.0 |
Albedo NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Temperature (average surface skin) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Plant canopy surface water NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Canopy water evaporation NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Direct evaporation from bare soil NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Total evapotranspiration NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Surface incident longwave radiation flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Surface net longwave radiation flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Potential evapotranspiration NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Snow phase-change heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Ground heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Sensible heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Latent heat flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Surface runoff (non-infiltrating) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Subsurface runoff (baseflow) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Snowmelt NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Rainfall (unfrozen precipitation) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Root zone soil moisture NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture availability (0-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture availability (0-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Liquid soil moisture content (0-10cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Liquid soil moisture content (100-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Liquid soil moisture content (10-40cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Liquid soil moisture content (40-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Snow Water Equivalent NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Surface incident shortwave radiation flux downwards NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Surface net shortwave radiation flux NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Snow depth NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Snow cover NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Frozen precipitation (snowfall) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0-10cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (100-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (10-40cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (40-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Soil temperature (0-10cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Soil temperature (100-200cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Soil temperature (10-40cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Soil temperature (40-100cm) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Streamflow NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Sublimation (evaporation from snow) NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Transpiration NLDAS_NOAH0125_M v2.0 |
Total evapotranspiration NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Ground heat flux NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Sensible heat flux NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Latent heat flux NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Surface runoff (non-infiltrating) NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Subsurface runoff (baseflow) NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content (0-100cm) NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content VIC layer 1 NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content VIC layer 2 NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content VIC layer 3 NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Soil moisture content VIC total column depth NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Soil temperature VIC layer 1 NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Soil temperature VIC layer 2 NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Soil temperature VIC layer 3 NLDAS_VIC0125_H v2.0 |
Chlorophytes (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017 |
Coccolithophores (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017 |
Cyanobacteria (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017 |
Diatoms (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017 |
Ocean mixed layer depth (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017 |
Percentage sea ice cover (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017 |
Iron (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017 |
Nitrate (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017 |
Total chlorophyll (water only) NOBM_DAY vR2017 |
Chlorophytes (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017 |
Coccolithophores (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017 |
Cyanobacteria (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017 |
Diatoms (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017 |
Ocean mixed layer depth (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017 |
Percentage sea ice cover (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017 |
Iron (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017 |
Nitrate (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017 |
Total chlorophyll (water only) NOBM_MON vR2017 |
Carbon dioxide, assimilated dry-air column average OCO2_GEOS_L3CO2_DAY v10r |
Carbon dioxide, assimilated dry-air column average OCO2_GEOS_L3CO2_MONTH v10r |
Chlorophyll a Concentration OCTS_L3m_CHL v2014 |
Diffuse attenuation coefficient for downwelling irradiance at 490 nm OCTS_L3m_KD v2014 |
Daily average photosynthetically available radiation (PAR) OCTS_L3m_PAR v2014 |
Concentration of Particulate Inorganic Carbon OCTS_L3m_PIC v2014 |
Concentration of Particulate Organic Carbon OCTS_L3m_POC v2014 |
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 342.5 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 388 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 442 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 463 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 483.5 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 342.5 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 388.0 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 442.0 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 463.0 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 483.5 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 342.5 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 388 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 442 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 463 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 483.5 nm OMAEROe v003 |
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 354 nm OMAERUVd v003 |
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 388 nm OMAERUVd v003 |
Aerosol Absorption Optical Depth 500 nm OMAERUVd v003 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 354 nm OMAERUVd v003 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 388 nm OMAERUVd v003 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 500 nm OMAERUVd v003 |
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 354 nm OMAERUVd v003 |
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 388 nm OMAERUVd v003 |
Aerosol Single Scattering Albedo 500 nm OMAERUVd v003 |
UV Aerosol Index OMAERUVd v003 |
Ozone Total Column (DOAS) OMDOAO3e v003 |
HCHO column amount OMHCHOd v003 |
NO2 Total Column (30% Cloud Screened) OMNO2d v003 |
NO2 Tropospheric Column (30% Cloud Screened) OMNO2d v003 |
SO2 Column Amount OMSO2e v003 |
Ozone Total Column (TOMS-like) OMTO3d v003 |
Radiative Cloud Fraction OMTO3d v003 |
UV Aerosol Index OMTO3d v003 |
Ozone Total Column (TOMS-like) OMTO3e v003 |
Radiative Cloud Fraction OMTO3e v003 |
Erythemal Daily Dose (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003 |
Erythemal Dose Rate (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003 |
Irradiance 305 nm (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003 |
Irradiance 310 nm (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003 |
Irradiance 324 nm (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003 |
Irradiance 380 nm (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003 |
UV Index (Local Noon) OMUVBd v003 |
CCI derived soil moisture anomalies of 0-40 cm layer SMERGE_RZSM0_40CM v2.0 |
Averaged soil moisture of 0-40 cm layer SMERGE_RZSM0_40CM v2.0 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 412 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 510 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L305 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L305 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 865 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 412/490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L305 v004 |
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 510/670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Land-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L305 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Ocean-only) SWDB_L305 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 412 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 510 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L310 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L310 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 865 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 412/490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L310 v004 |
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 510/670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Land-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L310 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Ocean-only) SWDB_L310 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 412 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 510 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 865 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 412/490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 510/670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Land-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M05 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 412 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 510 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Aerosol Optical Depth 865 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 412/490 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Aerosol Angstrom Exponent 510/670 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Land-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Std. Dev. of Aerosol Angstrom Exponent (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3M10 v004 |
Climatology (1997-2010) of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3MC05 v004 |
Climatology (1997-2010) of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3MC05 v004 |
Climatology (1997-2010) of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3MC05 v004 |
Climatology (1997-2010) of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3MC10 v004 |
Climatology (1997-2010) of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3MC10 v004 |
Climatology (1997-2010) of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3MC10 v004 |
Anomaly of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3MCA05 v004 |
Anomaly of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3MCA05 v004 |
Anomaly of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3MCA05 v004 |
Anomaly of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Land-only) SWDB_L3MCA10 v004 |
Anomaly of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm SWDB_L3MCA10 v004 |
Anomaly of Aerosol Optical Depth 550 nm (Ocean-only) SWDB_L3MCA10 v004 |
Chlorophyll Concentration, OCI Algorithm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_CHL_8d vR2022.0 |
Chlorophyll Concentration, OCI Algorithm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_CHL vR2022.0 |
Absorption due to gelbstoff and detrital material at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_IOP_8d vR2022.0 |
Absorption due to phytoplankton at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_IOP_8d vR2022.0 |
Particulate backscattering at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_IOP_8d vR2022.0 |
Absorption due to gelbstoff and detrital material at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_IOP vR2022.0 |
Absorption due to phytoplankton at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_IOP vR2022.0 |
Particulate backscattering at 443 nm, GIOP model (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_IOP vR2022.0 |
Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm, KD2 algorithm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_KD_8d vR2022.0 |
Diffuse attenuation coefficient at 490 nm, KD2 algorithm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_KD vR2022.0 |
Photosynthetically Available Radiation, R. Frouin (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_PAR_8d vR2022.0 |
Photosynthetically Available Radiation, R. Frouin (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_PAR vR2022.0 |
Calcite Concentration, Balch and Gordon (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_PIC_8d vR2022.0 |
Calcite Concentration, Balch and Gordon (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_PIC vR2022.0 |
Particulate Organic Carbon, D. Stramski, 2007 (443/555 version) (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_POC_8d vR2022.0 |
Particulate Organic Carbon, D. Stramski, 2007 (443/555 version) (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_POC vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 412 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS_8d vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 443 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS_8d vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 490 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS_8d vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 510 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS_8d vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 555 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS_8d vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 670 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS_8d vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 412 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 443 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 490 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 510 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 555 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
Remote sensing reflectance at 670 nm (water only) SeaWiFS_L3m_RRS vR2022.0 |
UV Aerosol Index TOMSEPL3 v008 |
Erythemal Dose Rate (Local Noon) TOMSEPL3 v008 |
Ozone Total Column TOMSEPL3 v008 |
Reflectivity at 360 nm TOMSEPL3 v008 |
Ozone Total Column TOMSM3L3 v008 |
Reflectivity at 360 nm TOMSM3L3 v008 |
UV Aerosol Index TOMSN7L3 v008 |
Erythemal Dose Rate (Local Noon) TOMSN7L3 v008 |
Ozone Total Column TOMSN7L3 v008 |
Reflectivity at 360 nm TOMSN7L3 v008 |
Surface Convective Precipitation Rate TRMM_3A12 v7 |
Precipitation Rate TRMM_3A12 v7 |
Rain Rate TRMM_3A12 v7 |
Near-Real-Time Precipitation Rate TRMM_3B42RT v7 |
Near-Real-Time Precipitation Rate TRMM_3B42RT_Daily v7 |
Precipitation TRMM_3B42 v7 |
Precipitation Rate TRMM_3B42_Daily v7 |
Precipitation Rate TRMM_3B43 v7 |